
a self-portrait



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    Wil DavisWil Davis Registered Users Posts: 1,692 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2009
    Scott's cropping is nice, I can see how it clears up a few things, but for my taste it's still a bit red; I'd do something like this (no cropping, but tweaked the eyes and the colour…):
    "…………………" - Marcel Marceau
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    VayCayMomVayCayMom Registered Users Posts: 1,870 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2009
    Wow, I recall your first post, I had no idea you were 12! You got some talent there!! Good for you. I found my "talent and desire" about 18 months ago.. I am 56, darn it, but you have so much time to live and learn, good for you!! keep posting.

    NIKON D700
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    sweet carolinesweet caroline Registered Users Posts: 1,589 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2009
    Wil Davis wrote:
    Scott's cropping is nice, I can see how it clears up a few things, but for my taste it's still a bit red; I'd do something like this (no cropping, but tweaked the eyes and the colour…):

    First of all, beautiful shot. I like the color and eyes edit. How are you going to decide whether to be a model or photographer? It actually get a lot easier when you find models to work with. Self portraits are extremely difficult. Keep working and learning, and the sky is the limit for you. When you are old enough to get a job, perhaps a local pro would let you intern.

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    raingirlraingirl Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
    edited September 7, 2009
    Wil Davis wrote:
    Scott's cropping is nice, I can see how it clears up a few things, but for my taste it's still a bit red; I'd do something like this (no cropping, but tweaked the eyes and the colour…):
    that looks way better! how did you tweak the eyes?
    I now have control of your mind

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    Wil DavisWil Davis Registered Users Posts: 1,692 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2009
    raingirl wrote:
    that looks way better! how did you tweak the eyes?

    …thanks. I applied a very small amount of un-sharp masking to the eyes only. I also took out a couple of skin blemishes. It's not so effective working with the lo-res files such as your original; correction work should always be done to the highest resolution file possible (i.e. largest, after cropping but before resizing); also it was a compressed jpeg file and so the colour was changed in the loading and saving of the files.

    I like the way your head is tilted forward in the original, although to some it might look slightly unbalanced; here's a crop tweak which attempts to correct it (colour is changed a bit (see above)):

    I look forward to seeing more of your work -

    - Wil
    "…………………" - Marcel Marceau
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    bdcolenbdcolen Registered Users Posts: 3,804 Major grins
    edited September 10, 2009
    Wil Davis wrote:
    I like the lighting, but you're looking out of the frame…

    You need to look into the camera (else I feel like I'm intruding…)

    There's all that wasted space on the left…

    …is that your arm or does it belong to someone else? (Inquiring minds want to know :D)

    Thanks for sharing - hey, keep experimenting and you'll find out what works and what doesn't thumb.gif

    - Wil

    Would that "wasted space to the left" be the space filled with the shadow of the subject, which very nicely balances out the subject? rolleyes1.gif
    "He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan

    "The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
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    Wil DavisWil Davis Registered Users Posts: 1,692 Major grins
    edited September 10, 2009
    bdcolen wrote:
    Would that "wasted space to the left" be the space filled with the shadow of the subject, which very nicely balances out the subject? rolleyes1.gif

    …could be, I suppose mwink.gif

    …or not! :D


    - Wil

    Edit: …actually I'd totally forgotten about the first pic; you make a valid point, and looking at it once again, my eye rests on the hand gripping the shoulder, then moves to the eyes which seem to be looking out of the picture… …at the owner of the hand gripping the shoulder perhaps? I don't think I even noticed the shadow…
    "…………………" - Marcel Marceau
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