FS: Canon 16-35 2.8 version II W/A
Hey Guys:
I am looking to sell my Canon 16-35 WA 2.8 which i have just over 3 mths. I have used this lens once and not into landscapes..,,, I do alot of street photography and use a either my 24-70 or my 50 mm lens..it has all the boxes end caps and is in excellent condition. like i said its 3mths old..They going for 1300 to 1400 $$ on ebay. I paid just over 1800.00 CDN
I am looking to sell my Canon 16-35 WA 2.8 which i have just over 3 mths. I have used this lens once and not into landscapes..,,, I do alot of street photography and use a either my 24-70 or my 50 mm lens..it has all the boxes end caps and is in excellent condition. like i said its 3mths old..They going for 1300 to 1400 $$ on ebay. I paid just over 1800.00 CDN
Great understanding is broad and unhurried, Little understanding is cramped and busy" ..... Chuang Tsu
Great understanding is broad and unhurried, Little understanding is cramped and busy" ..... Chuang Tsu
[revivalist photography]
How much are you looking to get?
Great understanding is broad and unhurried, Little understanding is cramped and busy" ..... Chuang Tsu
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No..I really dont like to promote selling of my gear on forums, I usually use word of mouth to friends who are in this hobby.And i tend to sell Locally .Two things arise when i sell locally i can back up what i sell, and if the person is not comfortable with the pruchase, i can pick it back up. (the condition i sold it.) I dont sell my gear to anyone or everyone..unless i dont use at least 4-5 times a month, maybe more. I certainly want people to enjoy what i sell, and for them to feel they have got something in very good condition.
Great understanding is broad and unhurried, Little understanding is cramped and busy" ..... Chuang Tsu