DLSR Sensor Cleaning

Not sure how many of you are using DSLRs but one problem with many of these is dust getting on the sensor. This tends to show up especially in macro shots or sky shots where you have a brightish monocolour bacground when using small apertures.
My has been getting worse over the last few months and I attempted to give it the gentle blower technique which basically did nothing. This morning I followed the recommendations I read somewhere on the web which involves getting a flat fine nylon haired artists brush (about 1/2" wide") washing it thoroughly. Dry it and visually check it looks clean. Then using the cameras instructions for locking up the mirror hold the camera upside down, give the brush about 10 blows with your blower and then gently wipe the brush over the sensor about 3 to 4 times carefully going from edge to edge but not pressing hard.
The flow of air from the blower apparently charges the nylon brush hairs which then attract the dust off the sensor. Anyway result of doing mine was to go from approximately 30 specks down to one.
Obviously if you are nervous or worried about doing this then don't- send the camera away for cleaning.
Brian V.
My has been getting worse over the last few months and I attempted to give it the gentle blower technique which basically did nothing. This morning I followed the recommendations I read somewhere on the web which involves getting a flat fine nylon haired artists brush (about 1/2" wide") washing it thoroughly. Dry it and visually check it looks clean. Then using the cameras instructions for locking up the mirror hold the camera upside down, give the brush about 10 blows with your blower and then gently wipe the brush over the sensor about 3 to 4 times carefully going from edge to edge but not pressing hard.
The flow of air from the blower apparently charges the nylon brush hairs which then attract the dust off the sensor. Anyway result of doing mine was to go from approximately 30 specks down to one.
Obviously if you are nervous or worried about doing this then don't- send the camera away for cleaning.
Brian V.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Whoops- didn't see that other thread. The method I used is just a cheaper rip-off off the sensor brush method. ie there isn't really anything special about their brushes.
Brian V.
point it can be used for cleaning a sensor. Those who've used it say it works
just like a sensor brush.
As for the air, use a can of canned air (Dust Off is one product name) to get
the bristles charged enough to get rid of the dust bunnies.