Congratulations to anonymouscuban for the DSS #40 (Comedy or Tragedy) Winning Photo

LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
edited January 2, 2010 in The Dgrin Challenges
Your awesome judges, nightpixels and ilbcnu, agreed on seven photos, giving you thirteen finalists to choose from. Congratulations! :clap

Poll will remain open for 72 hours, so get voting! Any previously registered member of DGrin may vote.

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<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
MrsCue - Snowball Fight!
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
THeng- Uncle Lewis and Aunt Bethany <o:p></o:p>

photo-bug - Do cookies have feelings?<o:p></o:p>

Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy<o:p></o:p>

Aspecto5 – Juliet<o:p></o:p>

jwear - I'm sorry officer -- fishing license? This is a duck?<o:p></o:p>

davev - Hi Kids.<o:p></o:p>

Halite - COLD in the earth—and the deep snow piled above thee<o:p></o:p>

bf2015 - Letter of Condolence<o:p></o:p>
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
dlplumer - Paradise Lost

divamum - Those Lights of Broadway<o:p></o:p>

AndMan - Accidents Will Happen<o:p></o:p>

Vote for the DSS #40 (Comedy or Tragedy) Winning Photo 103 votes

anonymouscuban - Sorrow
davevcoldclimbCookieSanwmn1dlscott56GreensquaredASkipJAGKevXmanCWSkopecTikibirdplayRebeccaHelmAndMananonymouscubanKinkajoubf2015mussojoffersonadriasNihilation 19 votes
MrsCue - Snowball Fight!
micknewtonPupWeb 2 votes
THeng - Uncle Lewis and Aunt Bethany
MarkR[Deleted User] 2 votes
photo-bug - Do cookies have feelings?
BradfordBennaj986sbike21sfaufotomomChuBeanredcargurl 7 votes
Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
richtersldlplumeric4uKwartatravelwaysjdorseydesignAirThomAspecto5nightpixelstrevortinamarie52kris10joRacinRandyChaoslillith 14 votes
Aspecto5 - Juliet
HoofClixultravoxsamsplacesbargeVelvet-ArtkarlabbottWhatSheSaw 7 votes
jwear - I'm sorry officer -- fishing license? This is a duck?
DJ-S1jwearDeeMalteswintonphotoThe Curious CameljustMECAPTURED2HRed DogHARLEYMANDsrtVWwats005Howitzeroldtown_dreamerJustPeachy2meandireneMimiCT 17 votes
davev - Hi Kids.
kaldaraFrog Ladyeoren1esc2476HalitesherstonedivamumEd911PaulThomasMcKeeMrsCuecpagilitycmkultradomeRaina.RaeTylwyddDan7312 15 votes
Halite - Cold in the earth—and the deep snow piled above thee
annnna8888 1 vote
bf2015 - Letter of Condolence
davemj98OhEddiepyroPrints.comCuongdarkdragonAequitasTangoe mari ad terramsdways01EiaSailor JonlilmommaJoieRidgetopJerryBartonfinal_alarm 16 votes
dlplumer - Paradise Lost
lizzard_nycadbsgicom 2 votes
divamum - Those Lights of Broadway
THeng 1 vote
AndMan - Accidents Will Happen


  • Aspecto5Aspecto5 Registered Users Posts: 311 Major grins
    edited December 28, 2009
    Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
    Wow! Thanks Judges for including me in the voting round! And congrats to the others. :D
    Canon 7D Shooter

    Nelson Lehner
    Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited December 28, 2009
    Aspecto5 - Juliet
    Simply amazing! One I thought was a sure winner did not make the cut.

    Congratulations, finalists! Good luck, all. clap.gif
  • MrsCueMrsCue Registered Users Posts: 412 Major grins
    edited December 28, 2009
    davev - Hi Kids.
    Wow! I'm suprised to see me in here lol.
    Congrats and good luck everyone! thumb.gif
    Canon EOS 40D, Canon EOS 350D, 50mm 1.8 MKII prime lens, 17-40mm f/4 L lens, 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS lens, 430 EX speedlite, Tungsten Continuous studio light, Pocket Wizards, Gary Fong Lightsphere, Stofen Omni bounce diffuser, 5in1 reflector

  • TylwyddTylwydd Registered Users Posts: 190 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    davev - Hi Kids.
    Voted ! Looks like I get my internet connexion back just in time to vote ! Congrats and good luck to everyone... There are great interpretations of the theme here (some I would have never thought of !) clap.gif
    Olympus fan :D : E520 ; ZD 50 mm ; ZD 14-54 mm ; ZD 50-200 mm SWD
  • AndManAndMan Registered Users Posts: 1,252 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    anonymouscuban - Sorrow
    My thanks to the judges for including me in their selection.
    Congrats & good luck to everyone in the voting round.

    Facebook Fan Page

    "Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
  • QarikQarik Registered Users Posts: 4,959 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    congrats and good luck all but to be frank..I am kinda shocked mine didn't make the cut. I thought I nailed it.headscratch.gif Oh well maybe next time.
    D700, D600
    14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
    85 and 50 1.4
    45 PC and sb910 x2
  • TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    bf2015 - Letter of Condolence
    Qarik, welcome to the mysteries of the cut.....and yes it's the pits when one feels strongly about their entry and it gets passed by.

    for what its worth I never agree with the selection, (which I would bet applies with everyone), but its a variable, part of the game.....
    Aaron Nelson
  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    Aspecto5 - Juliet
    Qarik wrote:
    congrats and good luck all but to be frank..I am kinda shocked mine didn't make the cut. I thought I nailed it.headscratch.gif Oh well maybe next time.

    I thought you nailed it, too. And you obviously put some work into it. ne_nau.gif
  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    Aspecto5 - Juliet
    Nice selection to choose from! Congrats to all of you finalists...

    Happy New Year comin' atcha!
    Mark / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
  • darkdragondarkdragon Registered Users Posts: 1,051 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    bf2015 - Letter of Condolence
    Way to go all you finalists. clap.gif
    ~ Lisa
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    davev - Hi Kids.
    Nobody is more surprised than me to see my shot in the voting round this time out...... :oogle Thanks!
  • bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    anonymouscuban - Sorrow
    Congrats to everybody and thank you so much for including my image in the finals!
  • BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    photo-bug - Do cookies have feelings?
    Congrats one and all.... Now how to decide which one to vote for.... eek7.gifheadscratch.gifne_nau.gif

    Pictures | Website | Blog | Twitter | Contact
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited December 29, 2009
    Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
    Congratulations to the finalists - very nice works this round!!! clap.gif

    I'm so happy to see my entry included on this list - thank you so much :ivar
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2009
    davev - Hi Kids.
    Congrats to the finalists !!!!
    Great job everyone. Remember to vote because it would be a tragedy if you didn't. mwink.gif
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited December 30, 2009
    Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
    sherstone wrote:
    Great job everyone. Remember to vote because it would be a tragedy if you didn't. mwink.gif

    I did :D
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • THengTHeng Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    edited December 31, 2009
    divamum - Those Lights of Broadway
    Congrats and happy new year to everyone! Thanks for including me in the selection :D
    Can I shoot you with my Canon?
  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited December 31, 2009
    Congratulations to anonymouscuban! <img src="; border="0" alt="" >


    The following five photographers are now qualified for the next Mega-Challenge:

    Kim H<o:p></o:p>
  • bf2015bf2015 Registered Users Posts: 523 Major grins
    edited December 31, 2009
    anonymouscuban - Sorrow
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited December 31, 2009
    anonymouscuban - Sorrow
    Congrat's, and thanks to those that voted for my shot.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • anonymouscubananonymouscuban Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,586 Major grins
    edited December 31, 2009
    anonymouscuban - Sorrow
    WOW... this is awesome. Thank you to all that voted for my image. What a great way to end the year. AWESOME!


    "I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."

    Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums

    My Smug Site
  • richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited December 31, 2009
    Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
    Congrats to anonymouscuban, jwear, bf2015, davev, and Kim H! clapclap

    And a happy New Year Year to all Dgrinners!

  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    Aspecto5 - Juliet
    Congrats, Cuban! Excellent image!

    Congrats to the runners-up! Well done!

    I wish everyone a prosperous and happy 2010! wings.gif

    When I went to bed last night, Asia was already 2010. I'll be joining them in less than 3 hours and then the folks in Hawaii will join the rest of us about 3 hours after that!
  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    anonymouscuban - Sorrow
    Congratulations everyone and Happy New Year!!!
  • dlplumerdlplumer Registered Users Posts: 8,081 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
    Congrats Alex and to all the top five clap.gifclap.gif
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    davev - Hi Kids.
    Congrats ALex and the other placewinners. And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! wings.gif
  • The Curious CamelThe Curious Camel Registered Users Posts: 943 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    jwear - I'm sorry officer -- fishing license? This is a duck?
    Congrats to anonymouscuban,
    and Kim H

  • Aspecto5Aspecto5 Registered Users Posts: 311 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
    Congrats Cuban!!!! And to the rest of the finalists. Thanks to all who voted on my image. Happy New Year to all Dgrinners! A whole new year of challenges ahead. :D
    Canon 7D Shooter

    Nelson Lehner
    Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
  • AndManAndMan Registered Users Posts: 1,252 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    anonymouscuban - Sorrow
    Congrats Alex, jwear, bf2015, davev, and Kim H!

    Facebook Fan Page

    "Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2010
    Kim H - A Cardinal Tragedy
    Congratulations anonymouscuban,
    and Kim H


    Thank you to those who voted for my entry :)

    ... and Happy New Year 2010 to all!
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
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