Zoom affect with Leaves

All those pretty leaves are not so pretty anymore since they need raked.
I've wanted to try the 'zoom' affect and thought leaves would make a great subject. So, to take the doldrums out of raking leaves I thought I would experiment. Nothing special about the photos but I'm excited about this because this was done 'TOTALLY' in camera!!!! Besides; after raking a million leaves this is just about how they began to look to me.
How else do you make a boring yard of dead leaves abstract?
The last one is my 'Tony Sweet' inspired attempt. Your suggestions are appreciated as I learn this technique.

I've wanted to try the 'zoom' affect and thought leaves would make a great subject. So, to take the doldrums out of raking leaves I thought I would experiment. Nothing special about the photos but I'm excited about this because this was done 'TOTALLY' in camera!!!! Besides; after raking a million leaves this is just about how they began to look to me.

~AnnaMaria~ My little life in God's big universe
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Love the colors though!
same here.
I like it, but I can only look at it for about a second before my eyes are about to explode.
have you tried masking it some or reducing the opacity?
ad astra per aspera
Well, I get to go back to Arizona and rake rock in the front yard but at least the wind does not blow it everywhere.:D I hope you have a rest from 'leaf patrol' --too funny!
Yea, I can look at them for a few seconds and hit escape! Thanks for the comment!
You must like carnival rides if the images didn't make you dizzy!:D Thanks for the comment!
Glad you like it -- I don't see how you could even edit them
The last one would be my pick...... azzaro
Thanks for the comment Mary and AZ. Yes, it was 'fun' to edit them but all I had to do was give it a crop and a slide so I wasn't looking at them for long!
Great work. These other family members must be wimps....I've been looking at these shots for hours. OH CRAP!! I just noticed.....I've got rug burns on my eyes where my contact lenses have been spinning.
A circular gradient at a reduced opacity on the filter layer to soften the effect might have worked.
Wimps indeed :lol4
Thanks for your comment - I appreciate it. It is noted! Actually though, this was an experiment, the first time I tried the zoom. It is just an affect and yes one to make a person dizzy.
That would be interesting! Thanks for the suggestion; I know a few hippies that might appreciate it!
Lauren Blackwell