Weekly Discussion Thread: New Year's Resolutions?
It's that time of the year .... lets name some of the resolutions you've made at the start of 2010 
Is there .....
• anything you promised yourself to never do again?
• anything you want to change?
• anything you want to try?
What are YOUR goals for this year?

>> Shhhhhhht. Wanna see the other weekly threads? Click HERE.

Is there .....
• anything you promised yourself to never do again?
• anything you want to change?
• anything you want to try?
What are YOUR goals for this year?

>> Shhhhhhht. Wanna see the other weekly threads? Click HERE.
No resolutions. I agree with Calvin on this one.
Har har! I love Calvin and Hobbes! I need to incorporate that into an esession if possible...
• anything you promised yourself to never do again? I promised myself never to eat those forbidden donuts. Too late, I have now re-found that lost weight that I lost last year! In terms of photography, I promised never to do things for free anymore. My first two esessions were free, which was fun, but I ... needs money.
• anything you want to change? I want to change my approach towards posing, lighting, and a different perspective.
• anything you want to try? I still want to try doing a bridal+boudoir session!! I still haven't gotten a victim for that yet. :soapbox
I want to incorporate more of the video capturing function of the 5D2 into my work.
What are YOUR goals for this year?
Get stinkin rich and travel the world. I will probably do the traveling part but not the stinkin rich part.
No more free sessions, jobs, etc... And no more fake lens flare, works for Angie, not me though....
• anything you want to change?
My processing style. I want to achieve that airy bright light feeling in my photos... if anyone has suggestions hit me up with a pm... Also, I want to go full frame, and continue to work on making my pictures the best I can. I think I've improved greatly since I got my first DSLR in October 2008.
• anything you want to try?
Well... my REAL resolution for this year is to open up my own studio. I've been looking at some places, and found one I really like... but money is the issue right now... hopefully by summer or at most the end of the year I will have enough saved up to cover rent for a few months-year without the help of photo work.
Since I've given myself an edict (ie don't just watch and wait for "something" to happen, but get off yer butt and MAKE "something" happen!), this includes photo stuff too: I definitely intend for it to remain a sideline (in other words, I'm still first and foremost a singer!), but clearly me+camera is here to stay and I may as well start rolling with it and see where it goes.
So..... #1 on my to-do list is to get basic business elements in place so that I can start accepting some of the paid shoots people have approached me to do, and maybe even market things within my niche target market a little bit. And making myself accountable by going public through this post means I've just written to my accountant to get the final, personalized version of what I need to do, and then the next couple of weeks can be spent implementing it.
In the meantime, I need to go practice for a forthcoming concert. Action is definitely the word of the year
for me this new years eve, I decided my big thing was to do my first 365 project...
but this morning I realized that I've only remembered to do it one day so far, (on the 1st no less).....
guess that idea didnt pan out......
oh ya, I was going to get on the elliptical machine everyday too....
(maybe I should amend that to just once a week since I haven't be on yet this year)
btw, I like the "Charge more, Work less" idea.:D Thats a good one!