Why don't we use galleries more often?
I'm curious with all the discussion about titles, etc, why we don't provide a hook image with links to a gallery with other images. Especially for long series. Many of us use Smugmug for our images. It seems like we aren't really taking good advantage of that resource for commenting and presenting our work.
It's also a personal pet peeve when I open a new post with dozens of images. I tend to be stuck with low-to-slow bandwidth on my travels and it's a downer when I have to wait on so much to render each time I want to check in on the discussion.
ETA: This is really intended for the Street community. I also think it would be an interesting "Challenge" for each of us to create a "Story" including multiple images possibly with a written narrative using our preferred hosting service and linking back to it here.
It's also a personal pet peeve when I open a new post with dozens of images. I tend to be stuck with low-to-slow bandwidth on my travels and it's a downer when I have to wait on so much to render each time I want to check in on the discussion.
ETA: This is really intended for the Street community. I also think it would be an interesting "Challenge" for each of us to create a "Story" including multiple images possibly with a written narrative using our preferred hosting service and linking back to it here.
lol--well I just posted a series, and didnt' stop to think about slow bandwidth.
My guess is that many people probably won't open the galleries
So maybe I'll try and post a max of 3--will that work?
I know I'm not using smugmug properly because I put everything in there.
When I have more photos from the same session or trip, I place 3, 4 of the best shots and give a link to the gallery for the rest.
But most people (like myself
I agree that people should all link to galleries instead of posting in the thread, my opinion, I prefer to view photos in their full size and quality.
Most people simply won't click one button to get there.
Just my 2 cents...
Liz does have a very strong point, many people wont open the galleries, also I believe that if you want C&C you should be able to see the photos in question. I don't really write a lot here, but I do like to read comments from the more participant folks here, and If the photo was not in the thread I would have a hard time learning trying to go from one page to the other just to see what the comment or critique is talking about, much like when a thread gets more than one page worth of replies, when you are on the second page and someone makes a remark of a specific item on the photo, you have to go back a page and then front a page to see what they were talking about, unless of course you have the courtesy of including the picture in your critique (like BD always does, and if there is more than one pic, only the one he is critiquing is shown in his reply
However, if you want to post 58,095 pics, I think you should use a link to a gallery... just because sometimes a browser will try to display all of the at the same time, so even one will take a looooong time to display... maybe post one or two and a link...
just my 2 cents, they are mexican peso cents so...
This was really what I had in mind. Some number of anchor images with a link to the full gallery.
I think that's a good idea. Posts with more than five or six images become overwhelming, to me at least. However, it's also true that people tend to be very lazy about clicking on links. So I'm not sure what the best solution is. I usually post my most recent pics, so I think what I'm going to do is change the link in my sig from my home page to my New Pics gallery. Chances are, there will be related shots there for anyone who is interested.