First wedding pictures
A close friend has asked me to shoot thier wedding which is now just a few weeks away. In preparation, I went along to a wedding with a pro wedding photographer as sherpa and general dogs body to try and pick up a few tips & gain a little experience. I also shot a few candids... here's a small selection

any comments, tips, advice would be welcomed, I have to admit to being pretty nervous about doing one alone

any comments, tips, advice would be welcomed, I have to admit to being pretty nervous about doing one alone
Try to have someone come along with you as a back-up photographer. It's really difficult to be everywhere at once.. the backup can do the table shots, etc., and a lot of the filler shots.
Be sure to ask which shots/poses/people are most important to them, and must haves -- do they like traditional or journalistic style of photography? Do they want black and white or color?
Ask who you can count on as a contact when they are busy, friend, cousin, relative who can work with your backup for getting the picture of Aunt Emily or cousin Jim, who they haven't seen in years -- stuff like that.
I brought my daughter with me when I had to suddenly pinch hit as a back up photographer, and just knowing she was there in case I missed the shot was great. She was a reluctant back up to the back up, but she got some nice photos I missed...
Oh yes, and have a spare camera, spare charged batteries, etc...
And relax and have fun!
I wouldn't call it green, but I see it. I think a touch more red in the toning might help make it more pleasing. But that's pretty personal, and just my old Powerbook screen.
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