My Nikon's here!!!
Yesterday, finally, after 9 hours of battery charging I took my first dSLR shot!
My D70s's here. No more excuses :rofl
Thanks to everyone that helped me choose, and thanks to everyone who will help me use it better :clap.
Just one thing, on a video I have on the D70, the custom menu has a lot more options than the ones I can find in my cam. Only 9 on the csm menu.
Off to some more shooting around the house :thumb

My D70s's here. No more excuses :rofl
Thanks to everyone that helped me choose, and thanks to everyone who will help me use it better :clap.
Just one thing, on a video I have on the D70, the custom menu has a lot more options than the ones I can find in my cam. Only 9 on the csm menu.
Off to some more shooting around the house :thumb
i'll double check this and post again unless someone else can shed some light in the meantime.
my pictures live here. well, eventually they all will.
I really think you should have looked at Canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So let's some piccies
My Galleries
Indeed, it has been 3 days, where are the pics
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here:
Digital guy: believe me, I looked extensively at all cameras
Moving on, I love this camera, insanely fast, control, no delays, bokeh... you know
I shot almost a hundred nef's yesterday, so, I'll sort some out for you as I go throug the ones I like best, no pp, besides a bit of sharpeninng and resizing( I also shot a lot of people who wouldn't want to appear online or are underage, so, landscapes will be what you'll be seeing for a bit :-) :
( spot the firefly
I do have a few questions, when I started shooting yesterday, I had already shot probably 400 pictures, many with flash, but it still showed a full battery, I had been warned about this, and all the way to about 5 pm it was full, then it lost a litlle bit, , but very quickly it was totally drained, and I only managed to shoot 2 or 3 pics by taking it out and putting it in... when I first charged it it was on for about 9 and 1/2 hours, was it enough? ( I'm not complaining about the batt life, just making sure ).
With the kit lens, in autoforcus mode, is it ok to manually override without switching to manual ( on the lens or on the camera itself ) ?
Are the very edges of the ( awsome ) viewfinder supposed to be slightly blurry ?
I have a really old ( at least 20 years ) nikon E series 50mm manual focus lens. Is it ok to use these? I konw metering won't be there, nor will AF. It has an apperture ring... does this mean I have to shoot in manual or apperture priority modes only?
The kit lens is AF-S and may be adjusted in manual without switching the switch.
Don't know about the viewfinder - haven't noticed it in mine, but I'm not the type that would notice
As far as the lens is concerned, I'm sure it is OK to use it, and that manual mode would work all right. Other more experienced users might be able to give more detailed advice.
Well, I was aware of that, it stoped blinking within a couple of hours, but I read that the first charge should be overnight, so I let it stay there.
"The kit lens is AF-S and may be adjusted in manual without switching the switch."
OK, thanks.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: