dSLR video n00b articles sought

divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
edited September 5, 2010 in Video
I have a 7d. I've barely even looked at the video function, largely because I am (capital C) CLUELESS about shooting video. We're talking seriously - SERIOUSLY - uninformed about this. Short of understanding I have to point the camera at something and then press "record" I know zipedeedoodah.

Anybody know of good articles for dead beginners so I can start to read up in anticipation of playing around with it in due course? Ta muchly!


  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2010
    divamum wrote: »
    I have a 7d. I've barely even looked at the video function, largely because I am (capital C) CLUELESS about shooting video. We're talking seriously - SERIOUSLY - uninformed about this. Short of understanding I have to point the camera at something and then press "record" I know zipedeedoodah.

    Anybody know of good articles for dead beginners so I can start to read up in anticipation of playing around with it in due course? Ta muchly!

    Diva, give a bit more info.

    What kind of video would you like to delve into first? Family? Pets? Performance/events? Making drama/movies?

    What would you like to read about? Filming? Lighting and stage sets? or perhaps technical details of how they work?

    Or maybe editing and editing programs and what can be attained there?

    Do you have a vision?

    Sounds like you're ready to have some fun! Good Luck!

    oh, and here is a primer: http://blog.tylerginter.com/?p=341
    tom wise
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited September 4, 2010
    Thanks, Tom. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet - I'm just thinking I should learn more in general, since this is an area about which I know NOTHING... but I now have equipment capable of doing quite a lot! My other half is more knowledgeable than I am about VT in general after spending some years (quiiiteee a few years ago!) working on a TV drama. That said, his experience was as a music editor rather than anything visual, and as such isn't all that relevant to this beginning part of the learning curve, and on a digital SLR to boot! I've never done any film/tv work myself, so I don't even have experience from the other side of the camera to draw on.

    So, just familiarising myself with the possibilities to figure out what I might want to do... and how to do it. One thing I'm considering is capturing some of my own performance material so I can finally put together a showreel of some sort (sadly, union restrictions mean that I can't usually get footage from my own shows. Frustrating!).
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited September 5, 2010
    divamum wrote: »
    Thanks, Tom. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet - I'm just thinking I should learn more in general, since this is an area about which I know NOTHING... but I now have equipment capable of doing quite a lot! My other half is more knowledgeable than I am about VT in general after spending some years (quiiiteee a few years ago!) working on a TV drama. That said, his experience was as a music editor rather than anything visual, and as such isn't all that relevant to this beginning part of the learning curve, and on a digital SLR to boot! I've never done any film/tv work myself, so I don't even have experience from the other side of the camera to draw on.

    So, just familiarising myself with the possibilities to figure out what I might want to do... and how to do it. One thing I'm considering is capturing some of my own performance material so I can finally put together a showreel of some sort (sadly, union restrictions mean that I can't usually get footage from my own shows. Frustrating!).

    I like how you and some others here at DGRIN seem to be able to narrow down things into succinct understandable terms. It is a gift I do not have.

    Since you sold me that little Canon/Kenko tele, you know my story of why I came to own a 5Dmk2. And what I have found is, the more I dig, the more I realize I haven't even touched what is possible. I thought that recent Guggenheim/YouTube contest regarding this subject was interesting....and yet I didn't feel remotely qualified to enter due to the mandate stipulated.

    For me at least, video is here and now and who knows where it will lead us. But yet, every model ( did I say every? EVERY!) I approached about shooting video with was iffy at best and left a dial-tone at worst. So, while it is obviously ubiquitous in use and viewing, many many folks have no idea how it could really help them showcase their talents. And I believe it can!
    The relevance of my spiel is in regards to your reel. I think having a reel of you and your work would help you easily sell yourself to other 'Houses' if need be, just as an example.

    Vimeo, TV, YouTube and a multitude of others are showing us what is out there, what is possible in the here and now. You've go that lovely 'little-Diva' at home, so an in-house actress is only a room away!

    I've dabbled in a bit of everything since buying the camera. Making shorts with my 'Viking-looking' son. Video-ing the Hummingbirds fighting outside my window, and making a promo-vid for a country Singer to give to her rep. This past weekend, I finally got the op to begin a project with my family interviewing my Dad and his siblings on camera to begin putting together a Website on our family and it's members and history. Their ages (the Sib's) range from 90 (oldest) to 82 ( youngest). I think that this is a fitting use of this medium.

    So what a wonderful thing you have in that camera with it's endless possibilities. Only limited by our creative thoughts and actions.

    I cannot wait to see what you come up with!
    tom wise
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