HTML Code--Edit Post

OK, so I go to edit a post and it gives me a bunch of HTML code. I "go advanced" and it's still the code. I mean, I know it and I can live with it, but it is kinda annoying/confusing when you're trying to change the font size/color. And it happens on only one post: my gear page in "link to your gear" (on page 3). I have a bunch of heavily formatted text in that post, maybe that's why?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
And here's the single post...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Curious. When I go to the page and try to edit the post, there's all the HTML code in the message box. But when I go directly to the single post and hit edit, the text in the message box is formatted. Are you seeing something different with the single post link? BTW, I'm using FF on Windows.
That is curious, I tried editing the single post and same thing, it was formatted. Okay, that works. I'm using IE8 on Vista.
Of course, or I could keep it like it is. But some of us like to brag about our gear
If you want to see the formatted text, click on the "A/A" in the upper right corner of the editor box and change the mode.
Does that help?
You're welcome.