
#72 The Underside of Breakfast

bbjonesbbjones Registered Users Posts: 234 Major grins
edited March 17, 2011 in The Dgrin Challenges
Is there any merit to this idea?


This is way outside my usual comfort zone, but that's the point of the challenges, right?

Anyway, I'd love any C&C you have. Reshooting is a possibility, depending on the degree of bribery required to get the model to cooperate. :rolleyes

If I had a polarizer for this lens, I'd use it.
The goal of my photography is is the effective, original communication of a feeling expressing truth, beauty, or love.



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    smilessmiles Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited March 13, 2011
    I am just a beginner but I like the picture. Your son is adorable!
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    kwickerskwickers Registered Users Posts: 310 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    I like this idea. His face seems a little out of focus. If you reshoot can you move the table so the ceiling lights are not seen. maybe put a light Under the table with you or from the side to brighten up his face. I think it is a great "underneath" perspective.
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    AndeeAndee Registered Users Posts: 123 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    It is a cute set up and idea. If you can do a re-shoot check your light and reflections in the glass before you set your subject up. (Via your bribe.) I see some reflections of what is in the ceiling on the face of the little one and that may be giving the soft look in the upper part of the face as well as make sure the glass is freshly cleaned with no smearing for better focus. I think it is really cute. I might move the box out of the shot if you get to do it again.
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    bbjonesbbjones Registered Users Posts: 234 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    Thanks, guys.

    Here's a version with a spoon in it to reinforce the breakfast theme.


    Then I decided to mess with B&W:


    There are definitely some reflections on the glass, but they are actually coming from below (at least some of them.) If I had a big polarizer, I'd use it.

    The other thing that is causing softness is that it turns out there's not great light underneath a table. Who woulda guessed? eek7.gif I usually like to shoot outdoors, so I'm not equipped or knowledgeable with lighting -- maybe someday I'll learn that too.

    I took some more with no box or bowl. At first blush, I didn't like them as well, but maybe I'll mess with them some more.

    Kwickers: I cropped it down some, but I like seeing part of the light, because I think it reinforces the unusual perspective. Does this crop work better for you?

    Do you think one of these works better than the original?
    The goal of my photography is is the effective, original communication of a feeling expressing truth, beauty, or love.

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    AndeeAndee Registered Users Posts: 123 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    I like this crop much better as it focuses on the little one and does not get as lost in the ceiling. I also like this one for the expression. The spoon also good for your theme. That smile makes this shot work better for me! Sorry on my part as the box being a prop for your title. The more you play the better you get. I am still learning as are many out there. I love photography! If you have something you can use next time to reflect some light in to the little ones face that would make this shot even better. But all that being said you will like these shots as they tell a story of the time even if you did not get the perfect light. Sometimes it is about getting the emotion even if all is not perfect. But we all want to be as good as we can so to have it work better for the next time. Play with some lighting shots. It will come with trial and error and lots of practice. And help from others and books etc! Have fun.
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    dlsdls Registered Users Posts: 385 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    When I first saw the title, had wondered what unappetizing photographic permutation would show up. Was very pleasantly surprised to see such an adorable picture. The concept is great. Not certain which crop I like better. The second is much more engaging, but does not really focus on the breakfast, but rather on play interacting with the cameraperson. The first one has nice lines, but the subject matter is rather small and not the focus (as compared to the light and lilies).
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    good first effort - the cereal box needs to be turned so you can see more of the front of it.
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    AndeeAndee Registered Users Posts: 123 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    Something else that might add to this is to sprinkle a few bits of the cereal on the glass. Have the little one pick one up and eat a bite too. Try that for a mix up. Something to try. If ya want.
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    bbjonesbbjones Registered Users Posts: 234 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    Thanks for the advice, guys.

    Andy -- I thought about that, but I was afraid that would make it look like a commercial. I see if I can turn it (or find a different box) so it shows but not too obviously.

    Gabby -- rolleyes1.gif The perpetual state of that table is to have cereal bits spread all over it. I cleaned it up special for the picture. :D It's a good idea, though. If I get a cooperative kid in my small window of available reshoot time, I'll try it.

    I think I'm liking the B&W version best right now.
    The goal of my photography is is the effective, original communication of a feeling expressing truth, beauty, or love.

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    AndeeAndee Registered Users Posts: 123 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    Well if you do get a re-shoot I would love to see that as well. Hope all goes well with your shoot now and in the future! Photography is fun and a lot of work!
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    silversx80silversx80 Registered Users Posts: 604 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    There is nothing I can add to the suggestions you've already gotten, but I am a sucker for B&W.
    - Joe
    Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
    Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
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    lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2011
    Very cute - great idea & model! I like the second shot best, but the reflections are a distraction for me. I think that you could minimize the reflections with a lamp or reading light under the table pointing up, and if that doesn't work, possibly drape a white sheet over the window to diffuse the light coming in - please someone correct me if there is a better way to deal with the reflection. Also a little bit distracting for me is the white cabinet/door - wonder what it would look like if you rotated the table so the flowers would cover that. I like the way the color of the cereal box is also in the flowers, and the green bowl matches the leaves. The b/w conversion is nice also, but I typically prefer the color.
    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
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    kwickerskwickers Registered Users Posts: 310 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2011
    I like the new crop much better, less ceiling more subject. As for lights, I only own one flash, so when I want more light I start grabbing any lamp or flashlight, bring it in near the area, move them around a lot (to avoid harsh shadows) and hope for some good luck. Keith
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    konomaniackonomaniac Registered Users Posts: 335 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2011
    Already lots of advise here, but how about knocking over the box and spilling some cereal??
    --- Kono ---
    Pentax K-x and assorted lenses
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    rbustraenrbustraen Registered Users Posts: 127 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2011
    I like the idea and has lots of potential! I'd also try and remove some of the clutter and focus just on your main subject. How about fingers picking up the cereal in a spilled puddle of cereal an milk, kids always do that!
    - Randy

    Photo Of The Day & My SmugMug Gallery
    Canon 7D and not enough L glass....
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    DaddyODaddyO Registered Users Posts: 4,466 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2011
    Nice one to work with for choice thumb.gif I find myself wondering if a little spilled
    milk and a few cherrios too would lend anything. My kids couldn't help but
    make a few stray drops of everything on the table. I did too. :D
    I agree with turning the box a bit so as to see the front a tad as mentioned.
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    bbjonesbbjones Registered Users Posts: 234 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2011
    thanks for all your help and suggestions, everyone. Unfortunately, the stars are not going to align for a reshoot, so I'll have to run with what I got.

    I'm leaning towards the B&W, but if you feel I should go for the color, say so!

    Thanks! :D
    The goal of my photography is is the effective, original communication of a feeling expressing truth, beauty, or love.

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    AndeeAndee Registered Users Posts: 123 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2011
    bbjones wrote: »
    I'm leaning towards the B&W, but if you feel I should go for the color, say so!
    Thanks! :D
    My vote is for the BW. The exposure on the face makes it easier to see more details in the sweet little face. I am drawn to the little one instead of the surroundings. And I just really like the BW better.
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