Below the waves...
Hi All
I took these pictures a couple of days ago whilst diving in the Indian Ocean. There is nothing better in life than to be drifting alone on a beautiful coral reef taking in the wonder that surrounds you. I hope you enjoy them, I am not a serious photographer and these were only taken with a little point and shoot pocket camera (Canon S90 and a wide angle wet lense).

I took these pictures a couple of days ago whilst diving in the Indian Ocean. There is nothing better in life than to be drifting alone on a beautiful coral reef taking in the wonder that surrounds you. I hope you enjoy them, I am not a serious photographer and these were only taken with a little point and shoot pocket camera (Canon S90 and a wide angle wet lense).

Comments NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
"Osprey Whisperer"
Peter Witham
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks for your kind comments
I love the Canon S90 as it is very simple to use, lets me shoot in RAW and produces reasonable images without having to spend thousands of dollars on big underwater set ups.
I used a Canon DC35 underwater housing with an Inon UWL 100 28D wide angle conversion lens.
Here is a link to my Smugmug album from which these pictures came from.
I took a look through your gallery and WOW! :wow You've got tons of great shots in there. I love the huge schools of fish. Your shots look as good as those I've seen from folks using Canon 1D bodies and huge light setups. I'm assuming all yours are natural lighting, correct? Is that because they're in shallow water? Anyhow, thanks for sharing these. Very enjoyable shots.
Link to my Smugmug site
Majority of the photo's are around the 20 metre level or above, all just using the natural sunlight, anything below this, the light wasn't quite sufficient.