Canon S80

Has anyone heard much about this camera? I just recently dropped and broke my Canon G3 and the insurance comapny is giving me a choice on either a G6 or something of equal value. Might just wait until October for the S80.
Enjoying photography since 1980.
The minor disappointment for me is that the S80 uses SD/MMC cards. The previous models in the line (S45, S50, S60, S70) all used Compact Flash, as does your G3 and my XT. If you want to be able to stick with Compact Flash, the S80 throws a wrench in the works.
But the major disappointment is that the S80 does not have RAW support. The earlier S models do. I see that the G3 supports RAW, so if you'll miss RAW, you might want to skip the S80.
Right now I feel I have a great one-two combo in my little S60 and my more serious Rebel XT dSLR. They both shoot RAW, provide full manual controls, and I can freely share the same CF cards, NB2LH batteries, and charger between them. It really simplifies travel. The S80 would be a step backwards for me.
If you don't use RAW or Compact Flash, the S80 looks like a great continuation of a classic line of point-and-shoots. If you do require RAW and Compact Flash, the S80 is a complete disaster, and I would instead steer you in the direction of the currently available S70, which still supports RAW and CF. Or, step up to another model, as my understanding is that the G series, which I have never tried, was a cut above the S series.
I actually posted this before really reading the complete page for the S80. Not until the spec sheet on DPreview did I notice that RAW was missing. I shot mostly RAW for my DSLR and the G3 but it's not a total loss, I intend to mostly take snap shots with this camera. Then saw that SD is the only card supported, which means at least $100 more for a 1GB SD card.
The S70 is really nice camera but I like the movie features of the new Canon's. I was really hoping that the S80 would be a nice mid point between the larger G6 and compact S500.
• the lack of CF card, and the use of SD card, total :jawdrop
• No RAW??
• More auto modes.
• 1.8 fps (the S70 has in High speed 2.0 or 1.5 in normal mode)
• Grey color. I prefer the black one like S50 or S70.
• Large LCD Monitor (2.5")
•*More auto modes.
•*Noise reduction at lower speeds.
• 2.0 USB (...that I never use)
But, this is only my personal point of view and opinion.
The 2.5" LCD is nice, I always thought the 1.8" was a tad small to really see any details of the photos.
As a plus, once the S80 comes out then the prices will drop on the S70.
We can just sit back, wait, and let our money gain interest in the bank. Maybe later there will be an S85 with RAW and an ordinary movie mode, or an S90 with RAW and the killer movie mode.
Anybody heard anything that Canon might introduce a G7?
I just press the button and the camera goes CLICK. :dunno
Canon: gripped 20d and 30d, 10-22 3.5-4.5, 17-55 IS, 50mm f1.8, 70-200L IS, 85mm f1.8, 420ex
sigma: 10-20 4-5.6 (for sale), 24-70 2.8 (for sale), 120-300 2.8