No photos showing on my site.
Hi there. Are you having any technical difficulties at the moment. I cannot see any of my photos on my site. All I see is a little symbol with a question mark. I have tried 3 different browsers.
What is wrong with smugmug at the moment.
grant armishaw
Hi there. Are you having any technical difficulties at the moment. I cannot see any of my photos on my site. All I see is a little symbol with a question mark. I have tried 3 different browsers.
What is wrong with smugmug at the moment.
grant armishaw
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
OK Further digging shows me that your CNAME record is not pointing to that's what needs to be fixed. Full details are here: and you can write our Support Heroes for help anytime.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I am stuck here... I recently uploaded photos for an event and sent the event link to my clients. One or two of them were able to view the photo galleries from work, the others were not. A couple of them were able to view from their home computers, most could get to the galleries page, but not see the photos in the galleries - just a blank page.
I tried accessing galleries and the event link from another computer on my home network and no luck, but I can get in from my main computer.
In addition, change this:
<div id="my_banner"</div>
to this:
<div id="my_banner"></div>
After fixing a few of those, post back again and we can look further.
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I now can't access my banner or the links to galleries, control panel etc... Please note that while my clients have not been able to access the site, I have had absolutely no issues with it myself. How do I get into the control panel if I can't get to it from my home page?
UPDATE: I got in, and I think I've fixed the errors you mentioned.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question