Featured photo shown as Deleted

Hi - I uploaded some photos into a new gallery and used Tools / One Photo / Feature to show one of the images in the Category.
Unfortunately - the Gallery thumbnail shows as a Grey icon indicating "Photo Deleted".
All my other galleries use featured photos, and it has worked well till now.
I've tried nominating other photos as Feature; no change.
I've also left it over night; no change.
And tried again this morning; no change.
Any chance of some help please.
Here's a link to the category - http://www.wild-landscapes.co.uk/Blog
Cheers - Duncan
Unfortunately - the Gallery thumbnail shows as a Grey icon indicating "Photo Deleted".
All my other galleries use featured photos, and it has worked well till now.
I've tried nominating other photos as Feature; no change.
I've also left it over night; no change.
And tried again this morning; no change.
Any chance of some help please.
Here's a link to the category - http://www.wild-landscapes.co.uk/Blog
Cheers - Duncan
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Your kick restored the random gallery image, but as soon as I tried to pick a featured photo the problem re-surfaced.
I wonder if this is anything to do with Firefox 4 ???
I say this because I've noticed a lot of other things seem to be rather temperamental too.
For example, the Control Panel will not switch between tabs
And Hide/Unhide doesn't work.
I've tried using IE9, and the control panel works OK, but it will not clear the deleted photo from the Long Wood gallery.
I'm just going to have a play with a fresh gallery set up just using IE9
I created a brand new gallery (via Lightroom 3) and did all the settings changes and featuring using IE9.
Exactly the same result; another broken entry in the category page.
I used exactly the same steps I always use.
I can't think of anything else that has changed since my previous gallery upload a week ago.
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Many thanks for your prompt response.
Would you like me to make a note of any of the FF4 problems I'm tripping across ?