Selling to Adorama
Does anyone have any experience/knowledge of selling a camera to Adorama? Adorama is telling me they will pay $510 for my 7 month old T2i(body only) which is in excellent condition w/zero signs of wear. I'm trying to raise funds for a 7D.
Adorama is a trustworthy company. So are B&H and KEH, but they're not going to give you the kind of money you're looking for (usually). You've got to decide if it's worth it to you.
And FYI: KEH would offer less than $400 for a LN- T2i.
But if it's something you just haven't time OR are unable to dump entirely, it's worth it.
Well said and thanx for the education. Definitely food for thought. Thinking I should take the time to list it here. Thanx again, I appreciate your time.
You know what? After hearing you say that, I got to thinking and Adorama did say via voice mail that my camera had a "value" of $510. They didn't say that I'd receive $510. There is a difference. Thank YOU!! Maybe I should try to sell camera here first...?
If you were told that the re-sale value would be $510, then you can guesstimate on receiving about 70% of that - possibly more, though, if you are part-exing up.
Don't hesitate to email me directly if you need additional information etc:
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
Re selling the camera -- selling it to a reputable retailer like Adorama (or the other two mentioned) vs. selling it yourself is no different than trading in (or selling) an automobile to a dealer vs. selling it yourself:
- a quick, hassle-free transaction
- knowing that you can trust that the buyer's funds are good
- knowing that the retailer (instead of you) assumes all risk (e.g. warranty) for the sale to the next buyer
In a nutshell, the tradeoff is between "more $$" or "more service" -- take your pickSupported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Bottom line is you dont know from any of them until they have it in hand. They will tell you the top dollar they will pay but very seldom actually do it. They are looking to turn a profit on it. Ive only tried with a 16-35L some time ago and left with the lens still in my bag laughing and sold it less than a week later for $400 more than their offer and at 90% retail.
I like you Helen, you do a lot for Adorama but I think this case is a simple profit margin thing. Too much trouble for a retailer to deal with used gear to make peanuts on it.
I think you might have some luck listing on other B&S boards, the exposure here is a bit limited.
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
It does take a while for the process to take place. Figure a couple days for shipping then about a week for them to look at the items and let you know what they are willing to offer you.
The bottom line is: don't worry about dealing with Adorama.
Here, FM, POTN... where else?
I recently contacted them about buying a lens because I was having the idea I wanted something different. This is what they told me after i called to ask why it was to what I felt was a little low. He said that they will take the current value of the item in its present condition and put value on it. The item I had was almost new and they did value it at full and current retail price but he told me that under no circumstances would they pay more than 70%. This is the method they use for determining what they will pay. They also cover the shipping charges to them. IMO it is better to sell yourself on Amazon or Ebay. Then negotiate with them on their product, because you know that as soon as UPS drops it off it is only worth a maximum of 70% of what ever you just paid.
for the record, Sigma sucks :P
I agree, it could be the best choice for an item that is not currently moving very fast and that, even at a lower price, is a guaranteed sale and will allow you to direct the money towards something useful. Also must take in account the almost 10% in Amazon/Ebay sales fees, including the additional hit you take for receiving Paypal. Then the box and tape and the time to ship it. And I seem to always short myself on the shipping I charge
As far as I'm aware, Adorama is the only company which will cover the shipping - AND insurance - costs when you send an item in for evaluation, and if you are not happy with the amount offered, the cost of shipping & insuring it to send it back.
The 30% needs to cover our staffing, warehousing, packaging, shipping, servicing, advertising and cleaning costs. It also needs to cover the cost of providing a 90-day warranty on all used items we sell, which includes a 30-day returns period - AND - the boss expects us to turn a profit!!
If you are trading up your used equipment for another used or a new item, you will usually find that consideration will be given to a discount.
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador