Where are product details
When a potential buyer selects the buy button there are many products that can potentially show up (glossy prints, canvas, mounted, etc.). I fully understand how to control which products show up but what I've yet to find are product details. What if I am a potential buyer and I want to learn more about what exactly is a mounted print. There appear to be no hyperlinks that allow me to drill down to additional information (from within the cart) about the products.
This seems a very serious oversight or I'm I missing something?
This seems a very serious oversight or I'm I missing something?
If you click on a product in the cart, a description pops up under the thumbnail. There is a "more info" hyperlink in that description that opens another page containing the product description.
- EZ PRINTS - http://www.smugmug.com/prints/catalog/P
- BAY PHOTO - http://www.smugmug.com/prints/catalog/BP
--- DeniseMusings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
When I view your gallery, click on Buy and then select a product the descriptions show just as they are supposed to. If you have Snag-It or Snipping Tool you can capture a screenshot and show us what you are seeing.
Smugmug site
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Mark, I have SnagIt but whenever i insert the picture the forum says my text in the post is to long. Actually, the ability to post a picture via email is how SmugMug help figured my issue out. How do you get a screenshot in your post?
What Dan said.
Smugmug site
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