Lurkers: How to find the good stuff easier

Yo, Lurker!
Feel free to lurk all you want, but if you register the system can offer you goodies it can't otherwise, even if you never post.
(And no worries; we don't spam. We've never sent email to our member list or given out their email addresses. We never will.)
Goody 1:
A New Stuff link shows up in the navbar when you're logged in. It gives you new posts since your last visit, not the lame Today's Posts you're getting now.

Goody 2:
And here's what it looks like when you're logged in:

A link will appear on the left of the navbar called You! (it's your control panel). If you go to Edit options in the control panel, you can choose which forums to exclude from view and the New posts link:

While you're there in the control panel, take a moment to put in some basic info about yourself:

Happy De-lurking!
Feel free to lurk all you want, but if you register the system can offer you goodies it can't otherwise, even if you never post.
(And no worries; we don't spam. We've never sent email to our member list or given out their email addresses. We never will.)
Goody 1:
A New Stuff link shows up in the navbar when you're logged in. It gives you new posts since your last visit, not the lame Today's Posts you're getting now.

Goody 2:
And here's what it looks like when you're logged in:

A link will appear on the left of the navbar called You! (it's your control panel). If you go to Edit options in the control panel, you can choose which forums to exclude from view and the New posts link:

While you're there in the control panel, take a moment to put in some basic info about yourself:

Happy De-lurking!
So far I haven't found any BAD stuff. Great site. Thanks for all the hard work.
seven bleeding goes it took me! - before i finally managed to get the image verification right; half the letters/numbers are ambiguous, for the other half it's not sure whether or not they are capital or lower case... and there's no information to tell you whether the image verification is case sensitive or not.
and of course, every time you submit the form and the image verification fails, it wipes out half the fields and you've got to fill them in all over again.
i feel like i've done five rounds with mike tyson, just getting my foot through the forum door! :bash
We put in a new Dgrin Captcha system
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