Newbie question about focus

patrickbeilpatrickbeil Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
edited October 4, 2005 in Technique


  • StevenVStevenV Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited September 15, 2005
    Patrick, are these hand-held? Some of what you're showing may be due to a little camera shake. It's tough for me to tell (maybe it's the size of the images posted or maybe my eyes just aren't woken up yet this morning, it's time for a second cup of something caffienated).

    More likely though it's just targeting; the auto-focus isn't quite on your subject. This one looks like the guys in the background caught more focus than the players, and looking at the grass behind the players here gives me the same impression.

    As the evening wears on though you're right; lack of light leads to easily-frustrating results.
  • patrickbeilpatrickbeil Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited September 15, 2005
    Yes, they are handheld
    Thanks for the reply, Steven. Yes, they are handheld. I think I will get a monopod today to help with the inevitable shake.

    I agree with your assessment - I willl try to shift the auto focus to the "spot" setting and see if I get better results. I will also try to take more pictures with the camera in daylight to get better with both the manual focus and the auto focus.

    You mentioned the size of the images posted - should I post them larger?

    I am like a sponge right now - absorbing any and all info...

    Thanks again for your reply!

  • StevenVStevenV Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited September 15, 2005
    re: size - it's not always necessary to get huge, just sometimes easier to see. When you're looking at composition or colors, an image that fits on the screen is good; when we're trying to look at details like focus it's probably better to let us get as close to the original pixels as possible.
  • patrickbeilpatrickbeil Registered Users Posts: 64 Big grins
    edited October 4, 2005
    A new camera helps...
    My problems with focus have diminished with the acquisition of a DSLR. Last week, I purchased a Rebel XT, and I added a 75-300 Canon zoom lens. Though the lens is not the favorite of many, it was in my price range, and for now, I'll make it work.

    I am very pleased with the results I have gotten so far. The difference between the point-and-shoot and the DSLR is impressive, especially in the depth of field.

    Thanks again for your feedback.
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