How was this done

I am trying to duplicate the process in this photo in LR and PS but cannot seem to get it. Any Ideas?
The helmet is actually silver before anything is done.
The helmet is actually silver before anything is done.
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Work in progress Zenfolio 10% off Referral Code: 1KH-5HX-5HU
Work in progress Zenfolio 10% off Referral Code: 1KH-5HX-5HU
It's pretty clear when you look at the LAB color numbers in PS by running a cursor over various parts of the image with the secondary palette set to display LAB.
Recall that in LAB L is lightness (all of the contrast, effectively), and a and b are pure color: a is green(negative)/magenta (positive), and b is blue (negative)/yellow(positive). Higher, either positive or
negative, is more saturated.
You don't have to understand this in any detail. Just compare the numbers for the sky, clouds, and greenery with any "normal" image.
What you see is that the clouds, normally white (neutral) have a high yellow and moderate red cast. The darker parts of the sky have the same values (so, purple instead of neutral or blue-ish). The greenery is much more yellow (high b value) than normal. Just looking at it, the uniform seems hugely over-saturated. AS Divamum points out, the helmet has a red cast, but it is also very yellow (giving the impression of being a bit gold-ish).
So my conclusion is that this "effect" is due to a color shift and an increase in saturation, the color shift moving toward yellow (this would account for the helmet changing from silver to gold-ish).
There are many ways in PS to do this. If, for some reason I can't imagine, I wanted to do this, I'd use curves on the A and B channels in LAB. But there are ways in RGB to accomplish the same thing (I don't do it that way, so I can't suggest exactly how).
I have to agree with Divamum's question on why you would ever want to do this.
Work in progress Zenfolio 10% off Referral Code: 1KH-5HX-5HU
Thanks for your ideas and tips, I am just not going to spend alot of time on this.
Work in progress Zenfolio 10% off Referral Code: 1KH-5HX-5HU