Since your new format of Dgrin. I am unable to read any of the print withiout a spy glass. P,.ease help me and tell me where I can change the size of the print.
You may be talking about the javascript that we used to resize the images to fit in your browser window. If you click on the full size icon, then it will show it to you full size.
Those are your two options, I'm afraid. The only workaround would be to make your browser window larger, in which case the javascript would resize to fit.
Bob. Any browser allows for 'zooming' text. Try the "view" option in your browser. But most importantly, try a MODERN browser like Firefox or Chrome, if you're using the antiquated and lame Internet Explorer (though we fully support IE7,8,9 on Dgrin).
Bob. Any browser allows for 'zooming' text. Try the "view" option in your browser. But most importantly, try a MODERN browser like Firefox or Chrome, if you're using the antiquated and lame Internet Explorer (though we fully support IE7,8,9 on Dgrin).
You may be talking about the javascript that we used to resize the images to fit in your browser window. If you click on the full size icon, then it will show it to you full size.
Those are your two options, I'm afraid. The only workaround would be to make your browser window larger, in which case the javascript would resize to fit.
I'm not really clear on what it is you're asking.
You may be talking about the javascript that we used to resize the images to fit in your browser window. If you click on the full size icon, then it will show it to you full size.
Those are your two options, I'm afraid. The only workaround would be to make your browser window larger, in which case the javascript would resize to fit.
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Oh. That makes sense.
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