NEF file recovery-Mac
I have no clue how this happened. After my session last sunday, I downloaded them locally and backed them up to my external HD. Now, I go edit them AND some pictures are missing..
a whole series of this specific photo session is gone! I know I saw them while they were downloading and I was sorting through them. I used Stellar data recovery, it recovers some from that session but not the ones I am looking for
I searched the backup, and there are some files there that I believe are the ones missing, but I can't open them. They are NEF. When I try opening them it says that the file type is not supported 
Suggestions please on any other data recovery for Mac or maybe i am missing something with Stellar.. I have read great things about it.
I have no clue how this happened. After my session last sunday, I downloaded them locally and backed them up to my external HD. Now, I go edit them AND some pictures are missing..

Suggestions please on any other data recovery for Mac or maybe i am missing something with Stellar.. I have read great things about it.
it is good practice to first check them in PC , before removing them from the card
if you did not used the card again afterwards , try recover from card ( with card-reader , not w camera-USB )
also , try not to open w stellar , just forse recover without opening / checking
( if it has that function )
The crazy thing is that I did check them while they were downloading and after, I did what I usually do.. label them. All the ones I labeled to review are the ones missing.
I already used the card
How do I force recovery w.o opening stellar?
i think they are damaged or corrupted
then recovery software wont help
you labeled ?
with what ? how ?
you saw them on PC , and not after labeling , ,,,,,???
I color code them in Bridge. I called Stellar, they suggested I scan my mac if the files were ones there and just search for NEF files.. Doing that right now.. So hope it works.