Second Set of Eyes on Darkness of a proof

Hello All-
I have been soft proofing a Blurb book in Photoshop CS5, and am having a really hard time with one of the shots I am working on. It is a picture of our late great dogs Marty and Chloe I want to get into a book for the wife for Free Loot Day. Marty was a white Great Pyrenees and Chloe was a black Newfoundland. However when I look at the image after I adjusted it under soft proofing view I think it might be too dark.
First my setup, I am using an iMac27 with the glossy screen (only option) and a Huey Pro for calibration. I calibrated the monitor and then used the Blurb icc profile under soft proofing in PSCS5. However I am still worried that when I look at the image under non soft proofing situations it is too dark.
Here is the corrected image:

Here is the uncorrected for softproofing image (basically SOOC RAW):

I am worried that when I look at it under soft proofing without darkening it, Chloe was grey more than black. So I adjusted the Black Point and it looks better under soft proofing. I was hoping to get a second set of eyes on it to assuage my fears.
I don't think the Blurb books are covered under the SmugMug guarantee, but the bigger reason I worry is that I want to get the gift right the first time. So any and all comments are welcome.
I have been soft proofing a Blurb book in Photoshop CS5, and am having a really hard time with one of the shots I am working on. It is a picture of our late great dogs Marty and Chloe I want to get into a book for the wife for Free Loot Day. Marty was a white Great Pyrenees and Chloe was a black Newfoundland. However when I look at the image after I adjusted it under soft proofing view I think it might be too dark.
First my setup, I am using an iMac27 with the glossy screen (only option) and a Huey Pro for calibration. I calibrated the monitor and then used the Blurb icc profile under soft proofing in PSCS5. However I am still worried that when I look at the image under non soft proofing situations it is too dark.
Here is the corrected image:

Here is the uncorrected for softproofing image (basically SOOC RAW):

I am worried that when I look at it under soft proofing without darkening it, Chloe was grey more than black. So I adjusted the Black Point and it looks better under soft proofing. I was hoping to get a second set of eyes on it to assuage my fears.
I don't think the Blurb books are covered under the SmugMug guarantee, but the bigger reason I worry is that I want to get the gift right the first time. So any and all comments are welcome.
on my non proofed , non calibrated monitor , #2 looks correct
in #1 , the darks are too dark
hope it helps
detail in those areas, nothing but solid black.
For what it's worth, I would consider a square crop for that one, with a vignette to pull attention into the center of interest.
Stephen Marsh
Ok, moving on to the question: agree with the others in that #1 is too dark. #2 doesn't look "grey" on my Huey-calibrated laptop monitor - her coat looks to have that slightly bronzy quality on the dark fur (which I'd suspect is probably the reality, since most Newfies I've seen looked like that). FWIW, my laptop monitor can be a little low contrast, but I don't find it lacking much pop in the SOOC (could use a little more, but it's not washed out).
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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