Dgrin Meetup: Not Lunar Eclipse

anonymouscuban [thread=211331]posted[/thread] about our trip this morning with Marc and Doug to the mountains above Santa Barbara. We didn't get good shots of the moon for a lot of reasons, the biggest being that we couldn't get to a vantage point where we could shoot the moon with a long focal length (200mm or longer) and ALSO have something of interest in the foreground. I got a wider shot, but really it wasn't all that interesting. So no lunar eclipse from me, either.
I'll be adding more pics to this thread, but here's the first. Don't blame Marc for this shot, but he gave me a ton of help with advice on processing it.
I'll be adding more pics to this thread, but here's the first. Don't blame Marc for this shot, but he gave me a ton of help with advice on processing it.

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and an alt. version.
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Wow - love this one!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks, Denise! You prefer it over the alt? I just can't decide on those two, I need to sit with it. Or maybe it's not that big a difference?
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
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BTW, I tossed all my moon shots. I think I need to start doing drills... waking up in the middle of the night, going in my backyard to practice focusing and adjusting camera settings in total darkness. Like soldiers clean and assemble their weapons with a blind fold on. Maybe then I will be prepared for the lunar eclipse of 2014. Well, that is if the world doesn't end in 2012.
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Yah, the fish isn't flattering, but I like having a shot of you out in the field! I'm with you on the working in the dark thing. That one shot of mine we all thought was going to be a winner ended up being a loser. :cry
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Thanks, Andy. This is where I was set up, and I just gave up partway through the eclipse, since the moon was shrouded in clouds and it didn't look like it would clear in time. Turns out it did, just enough, and I think Marc got something useable from it. Maybe he'll post it.
This shot I'm posting is a pano that's been slapped together, I'm not going to finish it, there are too many flaws in it to make it worth the time it would take to clean it up, I think. This was shot with a 50mm. A longer lens would have been much preferable for shooting the eclipse, but like I said in the fist post, we couldn't get far back enough to do that and also have an interesting composition. We should have brought in a cherry picker!
The moon is already more than half eclipsed by the earth at this point, but the clouds were diffusing the light so much that you couldn't tell. Which is why I moved on (prematurely).
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Yup, which is why I darkened it, maybe not enough in the re-work.
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Thanks! It's all a matter of perspective, I guess. You get high enough and the flat gray blah turns into something else!
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Thanks, Doug! Just saw your post.
Also, I replaced that first image with a re-processing.
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Took this one with my 50mm once the kids showed up. Kinda fun with them all looking at and working their phones!
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Now about that tutorial...
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