Hoh Rain Forest in January
Last weekend, my wife and I made a trip out to the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park for the first time. I had been to the Quinault a few times, but never the Hoh. It was beautiful! We just did two shorter trails around the visitor center due to limited daylight time (which was due to a late start on the 3.5 hour drive out there), and I felt like I was only able to scratch the surface of the photographic opportunities there.
This was my first real stab at rainforest photography, so I'm very curious to see what you guys think of these shots and which ones you like or dislike. Aside from the challenge of trying to find compositions that work, I also found setting the white balance when processing the raw files a bit challenging and ended up putting it more toward the cool side (around 5000-5200K) than I would've expected to avoid an overly yellow cast. I'd be interested in any feedback or tips on that too. Thanks!







This was my first real stab at rainforest photography, so I'm very curious to see what you guys think of these shots and which ones you like or dislike. Aside from the challenge of trying to find compositions that work, I also found setting the white balance when processing the raw files a bit challenging and ended up putting it more toward the cool side (around 5000-5200K) than I would've expected to avoid an overly yellow cast. I'd be interested in any feedback or tips on that too. Thanks!








Colin Croke
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
Thanks for the feedback. I loved what the red coat of leaves on the ground added as well. As for the warmth, that's exactly what I was struggling with, and I'm still not sure if I set it optimally. I might try to redo some of them a bit cooler.
Thanks! For #7, I had a few different compositions, and that one is actually a cropped version, but I was having trouble making the original work. I also wasn't terribly happy with the final one, but I wanted to include one with the water. I might have to play around with those shots again to see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks. The photos I posted are in chronological order, and it was getting quite a bit darker toward the end (just before sunset), so that probably explains the cooler look of the last one. I appreciate the feedback and will probably try processing them a bit cooler.
Thanks for the feedback. The anchoring point was definitely a struggle, and that's one reason I really one to go back and spend some time finding better compositions with more defined subjects. I knew the rainforest would be a challenge in this regard, so I'd like to work at it some more.
as far as compositions, you're a bit constrained by the terrain and vegetation, at least on the trail that leads up the hillside. if you take the other one, out by the river, it's a bit more open, and you can probably find other opportunities, but in the forest itself, it's hard to get a scene with a single focal point. in places like that, i often try to find "microscapes" to shoot... smaller scenes, perhaps a single fern, a log, a stump, a rock, something that can sorta be isolated so the scene isn't so cluttered.
i did take the liberty of downloading the second shot and fiddling with it a bit in camera RAW to achieve a more natural appearance. i'll post it if you like...
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
Thanks for the detailed comments! Regarding the reds, I do recall them being much more vibrant and red than the usual dead, brown leaves in person. I didn't do anything in the processing that should've pumped up those reds or made them more magenta, but it may just be part of the white balance issue. The next time I go out there, I'll bring a gray card or at least a sheet of white paper with me, as I want to see if that helps with the whole white balance situation. I'm still surprised that even though I set it cooler than daylight (around 5000-5200K) when processing these, they still came out too warm.
I would love to see what you've done with the second one or any of the others. Feel free to post it. Thanks!
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i pulled this one into PS and redid it so the colors match more closely what i usually see in the woods. the greens are fine, but in the original, the reds were much darker and more magenta in hue than any maple leaves i've ever seen, with the possible exception of some of the Japanese lace-leaf acers. i've never seen regular western maple leaves that color... here's my modified version. let me know what you think...
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night