Storm Chasing the Plains - 2011 Edition
Well, it's finally that time again. I've been sitting on my 2011 Storm Chase pictures for quite some time trying to find time to post them here. I lost my job of 13 years in June of '11 but was very fortunate in being able to find another one fairly quickly. However, this new job has kept me incredibly busy (a good thing). I've decided it's finally time to get these pictures posted! 
2011 was our best storm chase year ever! We had a large number of events fairly close to my home in Texas and went on a dedicated storm chase vacation. 2011 was also one of the most destructive and deadly years for tornadoes in modern history. :cry I will never forget watching the streams of the Tuscalusa Tornadoes tearing through their town. I'll also never forget the images and videos that came out of Joplin, MO. The latter half of this year was a vivid reminder for me that the beauty of the storms that I photograph also has a destructive and deadly side.
I'll be posting these images in no particular order and it may take me a few days to get through them all. Also, most of these images can be clicked on in order to view a larger version and order a print of the image if you are so interested.

Zack braves the insane mesquitos in South Dakota to grab a shot of this dieing storm.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L

A radar station near Rapid City, SD.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L

Outflow winds from a dieing storm stir the grass in Western Colorado
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 10-22
More to come....................

2011 was our best storm chase year ever! We had a large number of events fairly close to my home in Texas and went on a dedicated storm chase vacation. 2011 was also one of the most destructive and deadly years for tornadoes in modern history. :cry I will never forget watching the streams of the Tuscalusa Tornadoes tearing through their town. I'll also never forget the images and videos that came out of Joplin, MO. The latter half of this year was a vivid reminder for me that the beauty of the storms that I photograph also has a destructive and deadly side.
I'll be posting these images in no particular order and it may take me a few days to get through them all. Also, most of these images can be clicked on in order to view a larger version and order a print of the image if you are so interested.

Zack braves the insane mesquitos in South Dakota to grab a shot of this dieing storm.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L

A radar station near Rapid City, SD.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L

Outflow winds from a dieing storm stir the grass in Western Colorado
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 10-22
More to come....................
A strong shelf cloud approaches Rapid City, SD.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 10-22
Sometimes the storms themselves aren't the best part of the day. Shot near Decatur, TX.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
Peering into the core of an intense supercell thunderstorm in south west Oklahoma.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
A beautiful high based supercell spins away in Eastern Colorado.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
More to come..............
Langford Photography
The flanking line of a strong supercell storm obscures the setting sun in Western Oklahoma.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
An intense downburst with winds over 70 mph drops from a high based supercell in Western Oklahoma.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
A wall cloud illuminated by lightning crosses an empty field in Central Oklahoma
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 20mm
Looking straight up into the turbulent Mammatus clouds left by the deadly Tushka, Oklahoma tornadic supercell.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 20mm lens.
Lightning streaks across the sky near the town of Tushka Oklahoma.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 20mm
More to come.....................
Langford Photography
Cant wait to see more
I had a few chances to shoot storms near my home in Texas. Here is a shot from downtown Dallas.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 50mm 1.8
Here's a shot of Fort Worth shot on the same evening.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 20mm
A beautiful storm near the town of Decatur, TX spins across the Central TX landscape.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 20mm
Storms create awesome sunset light! Here's a small windfarm near the town of Decatur, TX.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 70-200L
The core of an intense supercell storm creates an eerie green light in south west Oklahoma.
Canon 30d with Canon 20mm
More to come.............
Langford Photography
Sometimes you get lucky in your own neighborhood. This was shot right outside my house in Allen, TX after a storm passed.
Canon 5d mk2 and Canon 24-70L
A shelf cloud overtakes us near Rapid City, SD. The intense winds here broke the mirror on my good friend's 5d.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
It's been a dream of mine for a long time to be able to shoot lightning over the ocean. I finally had the opportunity this year while on vacation in Destin Florida.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L.
Another shot from Florida.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
More to come.................
Langford Photography
The setting sun illuminates a beautiful supercell in Western Oklahoma near the town of Clinton.
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 10-22
Lightning illuminates an intense squall near the town of Denton, TX
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 10-22
A low storm base moves over the town of Denton, TX
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 24-70L
Lightning strikes from the base of a striated shelf cloud in Allen, TX
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 10-22
A shelf cloud passes over a Veteran's memorial in the town of Allen, TX
Canon 5d mk2 with Canon 10-22
That is the last of my images. Thanks so much for looking!
Langford Photography
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Colin Croke
Thanks for the comments! The panhandle is a wonderful place for storms.
Banding can come from a number of issues. Do you have an example? Do you shoot in RAW? That would be my biggest suggestion to you if you do not.
Langford Photography
Thanks! I used to be very active in Stormtrack but have not been there much lately at all. Too much drama and infighting and not enough Storms.
Take care!
Langford Photography
Thanks Allan!
Langford Photography
Thanks Doug!
Langford Photography
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one question got me a little stumped... how are you using a 5dm2 w/ a 10-22 (EF-S mount)?
Washington, D.C., based landscape and fine art photographer
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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed them.
Langford Photography