Best tool for creating DVD slideshow from images ?
I want to know what do you guys use to create DVD slideshow that can be played on any computer or regular DVD player and watched on TV. I've tried in past using Aperture and most of time it has worked kind of okay but problem with it is the pictures donot look as good as they normally look on computer screen when watched on HD TV. I userstand it could be related to resoultion as TV screens are normally calibrated at 1920x1080 and may not show pictures at correct aspect ratio. I want to know how do you guys deliver pictures on DVD to your clients ?
Sony A300 70-200 f/2.8 Sony
Sony A100 75-300 4.5-5.6
Sony A100 18-70 3.5-5.6
Okay my bad I'm going to use it on MAC and I didnot mention it, looks like it is Windows only software. Thanks for your recommendation.
The DVD standard is 720x480 resolution. You need a Blu-Ray player to get 1080p resolution, and Blu-Ray is not DVD (although a Blu-Ray player is backwards compatible with DVD.) Compose your project to 720x480 to make a DVD video disk that is compatible with DVD players, Blu-Ray players and many/most computers.
Here is what Photodex has to say about Macintosh support:
Basically, yes, ProShow is good enough to find a way to get it to run on your Macintosh.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
The latest Version, 5.0, offers Smugmug upload integration. I have been using it for three years on Windows. It is always being improved. I haven't had chance to fully test the upload feature.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
As you are using a Mac IDVD and IMovie do a good job. Also Toast 11 By Roxio.
Have fun
The Railroad Photographer