Stockholm, view towards Slussen, Sweden.
The night settles over Stockholm...
C&C much appreciated..

Stockholm, view towards Slussen, Sweden. by Marko Matic, on Flickr
C&C much appreciated..

Stockholm, view towards Slussen, Sweden. by Marko Matic, on Flickr
Colin Croke
Thanks Colin,
This has actually been shot on 4x5" b&w film. It is not a color to bnw conversion. Stockholms streets are preety bare at this location. I did shoot a version on velvia as well.. It has a different feel..
Colin Croke
Early/late summer? 9 February 2011 is not likely, no snow. :-)
Thank you. I am unclear what do you mean by shadow coverage?
And yes.. I have the date mixed up it was 2 of September 2011
Oh, I just meant that the dark parts might be a bit too black. But it is very hard to tell without trying, a change in that might be bad for the impression.
Stockholm, view towards Slussen, Sweden. by Marko Matic, on Flickr