Still Hiking...
Went out on my weekly hike again last week and we had some very clear weather. This usually equates to warm sunsets as the sun sets into the haze over this part of Korea and freezing cold weather. Guess which one I could do without!
Daegu city:

I've taken more than a few panos with the city in it, and I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore for a while. I went on a hike again today and I managed to keep that promise...almost cracked though!
Mountain Shrub:

Pine Tree at Sunset:

Last Light:
Daegu city:

I've taken more than a few panos with the city in it, and I promised myself I wouldn't take anymore for a while. I went on a hike again today and I managed to keep that promise...almost cracked though!
Mountain Shrub:

Pine Tree at Sunset:

Last Light:

Yes, #3 and #4 are my favorites. You can't beat the light in #3, and like the comp in #4.
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Colin Croke
The mountains are very well managed in Korea. Every man has to do almost 2 years military service and a lot of that time is spent hiking and removing damaged trees and fire hazards! Initially, I was trying very hard to find a nice tree overlooking the valley and sunset that hadn't been touched but was also open enough to give a clear, uninterrupted view. When I found this area, I couldn't pass it up. There is nothing else like it along this range of mountains and I've hiked the 35km along them! Now that I've taken it, it's taken on a slightly different meaning than just a natural shot, Koreans whom I've shown this to were quite proud of how well they manage their woodlands! This, I guess, comes from that Korea was almost utterly deforested by the 1970s(some reports have it as high as 89%).I just see man's hand at work in nature, whether it's good or bad.
Colin Croke
Thanks Cornflake,
The thing that really bothers me about this photo is how the city looks truncated on the bottom. There is a big reservoir there as wide as the valley and it was reflecting the light so much that it would have been distracting. Still wish I could have come up with something other than the solution of cropping above the reservoir.
Colin Croke