Show us your Camera Awesome photos!

I love what Camera Awesome has done for cell phone photography! It's amazing to me that so much is packed into a single app. I know all you Android folks are patiently waiting and it'll be cool when it's available to you as well.
Along the lines of the Photo Association thread, let's see your Camera Awesome shots.
Along the lines of the Photo Association thread, let's see your Camera Awesome shots.

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Urban CarBQ.
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Sugar. Butter. Flour.
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Hoover enjoys the experience.
And after we get home - he recuperates...
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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All taken with the new Ipad
#1: SoCal, Saturday Morning
#2: SoCal, Sunday morning.
#3: Kitchen window garden
#4: Morning silhouettes
#5: Lemon Grove
#6: Pink Stuff
This post was made with the assistance of Star*Explorer
His eating habits remind me of a vacuum cleaner
He's an Australian Shepherd. Great companion - sometimes a lot smarter than his owner, unfortunately.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
In some you can see my finger caught in the ultra-wide fish.
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Look out Pork Butts!
Macro flower shot (this flower was less than 1/4" across). I wonder if I could focus stack with iPhone images? Anyway, the olloclip makes for some fun!
And another.
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Hello, this is Carlton your doorman.
Winter's Last Gasp?
All Used Up
Man Down!
Waiting and waiting and waiting and . . .
Thanks for looking!
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