Great new idea from peugeot

We recently got a new car from Peugeot for our daughter. They sent this marketing email with this video in it...take a look...very inventive stuff!
Link IS safe.
Link IS safe.

“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
Yeah. It definitely was an April Fools. They sent another email afterwards saying that the paint was a joke, but the car was definitely a real car...why not arrange a test drive? A good bit of marketing.
I love the bit at the end where the car goes red when she leans over the guy in the car!
Remember you heard it here first.
Probably. The technology is quite believable...afetr all, lining up stuff when a current is applied has been the centre of many ideas for a long time, such as LCDs and so on. This idea is just an offshoot of that. And the link to emotions...also possible...
The future is among us.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams