Advice needed
I am selling my 50d but don't want to get ripped off, I have no Paypal or anything . Any advice and recommended price suggestions for a 50d great shape / low shots / no lenses.
Would love to know an easy way to show shot count- scare of download software to camera to tell??
Thanks everyone
Would love to know an easy way to show shot count- scare of download software to camera to tell??
Thanks everyone
J. Tuminello
Tuminello Photography
Tuminello Photography
As far as the shutter count, if you can share a link to an original image (no editing) someone can give you the shutter count, per that image. Even a current shot w/lens cap on will give us the info we need.
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
But, who's to say the OP didn't mistype?
Try craigslist. Local pick up only at a public place like Starbucks, cash only. Hard to get ripped off that way.
Tuminello Photography