El Capitan

Well folks,
it's been a long time since I've posted anything, and I feel bad about that :dunno
Anyway, here is a shot of El Capitan this past fall.
it's been a long time since I've posted anything, and I feel bad about that :dunno
Anyway, here is a shot of El Capitan this past fall.
Images in the Backcountry
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Thanks for looking and commenting Mike!
Cheers, Richard.
Thanks for the nice comments Richard!
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Nice capture. Elements that really helps get that great image is weather and light. You have both.
One little bit of post processing that will improve this image is to burn and or lower the exposure in the very bright areas of El Captain to bring out some detail. Try it.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Thank you kindly Dave!
Thank you for looking and the kind comments David!
Those are very kind words indeed!
I must admit my pleasure at watching a true master at his trade. No doubt why you did so well in sales. You could tell a greased pig that she's the Bella at the ball and sell her a pound of bacon, all the while have her struting through the mud pit gleefully squealing
Hi Sam,
While this image is not blown out, I will try that out while processing several other shots of this scene.
Thanks for your input!
Thank you kindly Don
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Lauren Blackwell
Thanks for looking and the nice comment Joel
Hey Lauren,
Hope all is going well with you.
I was really lucky/un-lucky for this weather to have rolled in while we were there. Lucky for the lighting and mood, un-lucky because these snow clouds ran us out of the park after about 3 hours, as we didn't have tire chains. (Our exit route was already sketchy due to recent and still present snow)
Lauren Blackwell
I think there is more you could do to it with some processing. There could be more drama in the clouds, and I'd darken the two trees in the foreground a bit to keep them competing with the light on El Cap itself. It might also be a great one to experiment with a black & white conversion.
You have a GREAT starting point though!
Thanks for the comments Doug!
Thanks for looking and the input. I'll do some experimenting