Columbus Ohio Skyline at night
[The Columbus Ohio Skyline at Dark.
This photo was made about a month ago during the blue hour. I converted it to B&W in Photoshop with levels adjustments. What do you think?

This photo was made about a month ago during the blue hour. I converted it to B&W in Photoshop with levels adjustments. What do you think?
This also has been here a week, no comments at all ????????
Is it that bad
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Joking aside. It's an OK shot. Nothing great. I think it's a bit dark and the composition is really static. It's a nice skyline but the photo is quite uninteresting to me. I know that you were trying to capture the skyline with the reflection but in this case, it just doesn't work. It much too crowded and there isn't any real detail to see. Maybe it works better when seen larger?
BTW, one thing that really bugs is the tilt in the photo. It's tilted to the up towards the left.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Joking aside. It's an OK shot. Nothing great. I think it's a bit dark and the composition is really static. It's a nice skyline but the photo is quite uninteresting to me. I know that you were trying to capture the skyline with the reflection but in this case, it just doesn't work. It much too crowded and there isn't any real detail to see. Maybe it works better when seen larger?
Thanks for your thoughts.
I'm not sure what you mean by static. As fro detail it is there when enlarged. What you see as tilt may actually be that the building on the left is much closer. Tha camera was level according to the built in leveling device on the D4.
The crop is very tight and I agree about the tilt - sometimes the eye is more important than the level.
Also, IMO, B&W conversions for scenic shots work when they add interest, texture, or in some way improve the composition - I'm not feeling that here - nighttime skyline shots often depend on bright colors for drama.
Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95
I like it better 'cause it's in color and I think you get the benefit of the "blue hour" lighting.
However, I generally don't like portrait or custom crops on scenic shots - it leaves me wanting to see more. But that's just me - FWIW.
here is a link to teh gallery