HDR Efex Pro 2 Sale

Only good till the 8th. I was going to snag it up..but its download only :scratch
Not available to general public until Mon.
Not available to general public until Mon.
Any experience with this from anyone yet? Real tempting to get the upgrade. Will have to check it out more when I get home.
Thanks for sharing this!
Basically more control.
My outcome so far with PS6 hasn't been good. Loading Canon CR2 files it gets to the edit screen, you select your style.. when it makes it to PS6 it looks normal. You have to go back in single image mode to apply the effect again. Time to report some bugs...
However, the images it has processed, kicks the crap out of Photomatix for skys. I have some car images I shot last week, 10-12 frames each. Photomatix had an OK sky, HDR FX2 had an AMAZING Sky...
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