Photoshop Settings and Smugmug upload
My photos look good in PS. After I upload them to Smugmug, they look too red. In actuality what is displayed on Smugmug, after uploading appears to be accurate. And what I am seeing in PS isn't. Anyone have a clue as to what could be going on with my PS settings?
Are you viewing these on the same monitor? If so, my first guess is problems with color working space. PS will display properly no matter which color space you are working in. However, for the image to display properly on the web, you have to save it with an sRGB color profile.
if you want your photos as they are , un-check the option in settings
Probably just the opposite. Most web browsers and a lot of web content (like Flash) isn’t color managed. Photoshop is. While you may prefer the images un-color managed, the facts are, the images in Photoshop are previewing correctly assuming you’ve profiled your display (correctly) and Photoshop is setup correctly.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
That picture viewer (like the OP’s browser) isn’t color managed. It is simply lying to you.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
you must not save from ACR
after adjusting in ACR , click open to open in PS
then save as JPG , setting 10 or higher for quality