Current monitor calibrator of choice?

Finally got a new computer, and am wondering what the hardware calibration tool of choice is now? I have a Huey, but I gather it doesn't play nice with win7, so am considering replacing it with a newer device - a quick look on Amazon, and the ones I saw are a LOT more expensive. Is there another moderately-priced calibrator worth considering, or should I just try to find win7 drivers and muddle through with the Huey?
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a few years back and went thru several as they did not work and then an i1 lite showed up as the worked....then one day it could not find my monitor and I was looking again....after
a lot of searching and reading I went with the i1 Display Pro and so far I am real happy....and that
$50 rebate doesn't hurt either.....
Got mine off ebay from Calumet in Chicago....I am now waiting to get rebate check in the mail.
Good Luck
EDIT - - - Here is a link to a Nikon Cafe discussion on this topic.....
Link to the Xrite i1 Display Pro Promotion can see the promotion in the right hand column.....
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Win7 drivers at bottom of this page. Requires log-in.
Congrats on the new piece (PC)..What'd ya get?
Tom, nothing too special in the end, but it was such a screaming deal - and available on the day I needed it - that I couldn't really walk past it. Another Dell studio 15 with an i3 processor, currently with 6g ram (which I will expand to maximum capacity as soon as I can) 1tb hdd, and including licensed copies of Word/Excel 2012 (our MS Office is really, really old -useable, but starting to have compatibility issues) .... $499 including 2yr extended warranty.
So the processor is really at the minimum for what I do, but I can expand the RAM. Far more importantly, I have hooked it up to the nice Dell ips monitor we've had for a while now, but that I could'nt use with the other machine!! I added a wireless keyboard/mouse combo for a remarkably nice laptop-and-desktop solution for a stupid price. If it starts to falter as software demands more and more, at that price I can afford to upgrade again in two years. Here's hoping it keeps working as well as it has started out!! I can actually upload raw files in real time, now. And it hasn't yet balked at anything I've thrown it - very happy camper so far. Fingers crossed it isn't one of those machines that starts great but then starts to have problems after it breaks in.............
I think the Huey wasn't geared towards the pro market since very few illustrators that I know use it.
xRrite just announced their Color Munki Smile which is a consumer version of their device.
Diva, That machine ought to be just fine. I actually used my Gf's LT over this past week on a job and used After Effects quite nicely. It only has 4GB of Ram even though it is a first gen i5. Video is notorious for heavy-loads. I was pleased. Her Machine is about 3yrs. old.
The Huey is constantly freaking out with the new OS - I'm pretty much decided to give up on it and just get something else; drivers or not, it's just no stable with win7.
The Lt is what I used after my Huey...went Ka Bluey... ... ... ... ...LT has been discontinued...
LINK to i1 Photo can compare what your needs are by reading the product info pages here ... ... happy Hunting
Andrew, looks like the Spyder3 elite is no longer a model; there are newer ones, but I"m getting horribly confused over what each model can do....
Here's hoping.........................
― Edward Weston
I'm so frustrated!!
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Also use the tool to measure accuracy of your new profile after calibration. Does it show a delta (it should if it's really
out of whack)?
Sometimes it takes some time to get used to a new profile. When I first calibrated my monitor I tought everything
had an orange tint to it. But after a while I got used to it and when I now switch by to my old (non-profile) settings
everything looks as if it had a blue color cast. What I mean is that perception is not the best way to tell if a color
is accurate. Got any prints to compare against the digital files on your monitor?
― Edward Weston
Is the red more prevalent on the left side of the screen? Many recent IPS type LCD panels are prone to displaying a red/green tint/caste that's most noticeable on light gray or white screens. Red on left and green on right.
Otherwise speak with the Datacolor support people - they're very good, more so than my experience with X-Rite CSR's.
color is actually pretty decent again!
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.