spam through grin!?!?

Just received the old "repatriating money blahblahblah avoid confiscation" scam email through dgrin!
anyone else having this issue? first spam I've ever gotten through dgrin
not sure i should name the dgrin account it came from....
anyone else having this issue? first spam I've ever gotten through dgrin
not sure i should name the dgrin account it came from....
Jase //
Jase //
You would know as the person was sending private messages (PM) via Dgrin and if you have email notification checked for PM's, you'd receive an email with the contents of that PM.
So this has nothing to do with the usual spam emails.
SmugMug Support Hero
If you look in the title bar of each PM, you'll see the words "! Report". That's a link that will report the post and one of us will remove it (and likely the user too).
Apologies for the spam.
You shouldn't be getting spam via email as a result of your dgrin membership.
Jase //