Fargo Theater in Fargo, ND

Finally took a walk though the Fargo Theater the other day. I'd not been in there since I was in high school. Since it was a stop I had not planned on making all shots were hand held and there's some editing I'd not normally do. The Fargo Theater still has a Wurlitzer Pipe Organ that rises from the floor, is listed on the National Register of Historical Places and was built in 1926.
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8 -- And if anyone saw the movie 'Fargo' -- you'll remember who this is
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8 -- And if anyone saw the movie 'Fargo' -- you'll remember who this is

BTW..." Fargo " is one of my all-time favorites.
Really a neat series and looked like a neat walk through.
The Last one is my Favorite, but they're all very well done.
Burleson, Texas
Thank you for the kind words Tom. I'll admit just taking my camera out to shoot in there made me a little nervous, but after a while I was enjoying shooting again.
I too like the movie Fargo
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed these photos. It was fun being in there again after so many years. Hopefully John and I will find the time to enjoy an old movie there.
Glad you liked the serious of photos Juano. I did think of cropping out the people in #7, but it was my brother and sister-in-law so I kept them in
I think you would enjoy it. I hope you find the time to head over there. Post your photos too - we'd love to see them.
Lauren Blackwell
Hello Lauren ..
Glad you enjoyed the series. I was happy to hear you liked #5. My brother, his wife and my hubby thought I was crazy taking a photo of that. After I explained to them how old it was and it's something one doesn't see anymore they understood. #1 is my favorite too