Header slideshow width

I added a slideshow to my homepage. All the pics are set to a width of 900px. I cannot get the slideshow to display them at 900px. They are narrower.
I will eventually need them wider and will recrop, but let's work on the 900px 1st.
I am using Arrow theme.
I also noticed that the page loads, then the content drops down and the slideshow adds in. I do have a splash image set that's the same size as the slides.
I will eventually need them wider and will recrop, but let's work on the 900px 1st.
I am using Arrow theme.
I also noticed that the page loads, then the content drops down and the slideshow adds in. I do have a splash image set that's the same size as the slides.
Thoughts ?
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body width: auto
Hmm, how about the Dimensions of your slideshow container? For that I have my margins all set to 0px and the width to 100%...
Ya tried all that too.
I am using Arrow theme.
Kinda-sorta... I have a series of pics cropped to panoramas. 158 px x 900px for now. If I can figure this out I'll make new slides.
I am set to stretchy for the entire site. I have margins of SS to zero all around.
I have try to make a bigger pic and see if it stretches it out at all.
Ya I made a larger image and got it up to 1600px... looks OK. Thanks.