Is there somewhere to see what the fonts look like? SmugMug provides an enormous font set but none of them are fonts I know. Is there a sample list somewhere, or what? It would take forever to run thru the whole list looking for a good one.
Thanks very much. Gbear
Thanks very much. Gbear
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Incidentally, on really complex programs, help can be very difficult because you have to know the name of what you are looking for. For example, in photoshop and, say, Excel, if you DONT know what its called, you're doomed. Though the new SM is (imho) wonderful, there really arent that many choices compared to photoshop, for example. Thanks again. Gbear
Any, this link is great, but it is kind of hard to figure out which Google Font looks like the regular fonts found in most other applications. I would like to use CopperPlate Gothic Light. I have that as my menu font on the WordPress side of my site and I would love for SmugMug to match the rest of my site. If I find one on SM I like, then it isn't available on WP. Any suggestions?
Kim Ashcraft Photography
I use Font Squiirel to import fonts that either Smugmug (Google Font) doesn't have or custom fonts for one of my Wordpress sites.
Images in the Backcountry
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Unfortunately CopperPlate Gothic (Light) isn't available on Google Fonts. The font has to be paid for. But ... it's still doable.
Do you own the font on your computer? If not, you'll need to purchase it and try to get the .eot, the .woff, and/or the .ttf file. Most new browsers tend to use the .woff format while IE uses the .eot format.
What you'll need to do is upload those files to a server you have access to. Then grab the link to those files.
Then add this code to the top of your CSS. Note that I don't know exactly what the parameters will be called so I've highlighted the areas in red that you may have to customize.
What this does is forces the users browser to download the font for use on the page.
Then in whatever div on your site you want to use the CopperPlate font you'd use some more CSS (and here's an example)
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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