Wonky Page Layout Problem

I'm trying to build a new page. I'm using various blocks, etc, to get the look I want. One really frustrating layout problem also seems like the simplest to expect to actually work.
If I have a larger portrait oriented photo taking up 1/2 a page, I can add either a title or a text block on the other side, but not both. I've taken to using an HTML block because at least I can format that.
I end up with a big blank area that I want to place another object into, in this case a slideshow, but it will not let me. This is also why I can't use both a Title & Text block on this side of the page. You only get ONE block on each side, the second is always below the longest.
I can place an object off to either side, or the middle, and make 3 columns of stuff. I can place it below both, but I can't place the object under the short block already in place! Also, as I drag things around they auto re-size, and dump my preset pixel widths. It's driving me NUTZ!
If I have a larger portrait oriented photo taking up 1/2 a page, I can add either a title or a text block on the other side, but not both. I've taken to using an HTML block because at least I can format that.
I end up with a big blank area that I want to place another object into, in this case a slideshow, but it will not let me. This is also why I can't use both a Title & Text block on this side of the page. You only get ONE block on each side, the second is always below the longest.
I can place an object off to either side, or the middle, and make 3 columns of stuff. I can place it below both, but I can't place the object under the short block already in place! Also, as I drag things around they auto re-size, and dump my preset pixel widths. It's driving me NUTZ!

I made the top element (the expect us image) 960 wide using the dimensions tab. But I also made the left margin 400px which shunted the image across to the right. The other two elements are just side-by-side underneath.
You want to have two blocks one on top of the other on the left column, and another block as the right column - both columns about the same height. But when I try to add the bottom-left block it's being restricted by the height of the right column. So I can add it to the bottom (and it goes underneath both below the tallest). Or I can add to the left which just makes three columns. Or to the top, which is the same as the problem with the bottom. It just refuses to let you put it underneath the left block BUT ALSO to the left of the right column.I think you should be allowed to do that.
This is making me crazy today. I want to create a whole new wedding services page but I can't get it to look like I want. Why can't I adjust the container height for something that doesn't take up the whole page? Why on earth does one side HAVE to snap the the same height of the longest container on the same level?????
I have to stop working on this or loose what is left of my marbles...
I think I'll paint the bathroom... or something...
excellent idea. You might find THIS useful?
That's cool! I actually had whole gallons of paint in different colors in the basement workshop. My wife likes to change her mind a lot when it comes to colors. I just used one that was in an unopened can, in roughly the color I had in mind. Now, we'll see what happens when she comes home from Chicago later this week...
It is indeed. I am having nothing but formatting woes of one sort of another when it comes to the HTML editor. I am using HTML blocks to do some things, like when I discovered I couldn't have a Title block on half a page, with a Text Block below it, and a large portrait oriented Single Photo on the other side. The friggin Title block automatically would make the bottom of its container the same height as the Photo.
I ended up making HTML blocks with coded text to look like my titles, with text below them.
Now, I did try making HTML blocks and embedding still images in them. The problem I see is the quality of the embedded image is vastly inferior to the ones places in Photo Blocks, or Slideshows. Also, I have adapted the "rounded corners" effect. Images embedded into a HTML don't round (wait... just realized they may if I find the right CSS to put into the blocks CSS Tab...)
I also can't embed the slideshows, at least I don't believe I can.
I just think that having the ability to completly define the size of the container, both height as well as width, would be a useful tool.
Here's a link to my new page I am sorting out. I've a long way to go until I am remotely happy with it, and lots of content to add...
If I only knew about CSS.