Broken links to images in gallery
After having unveil my new website design, my images in the galleries have random broken links to images within multiple galleries. Upon refreshing, some appear and some show now as broken links. My website is Now, all this does not happen on the development site. Just on the production site. Are your development and production servers not identical to one another? Is it upon unveiling that you need time to replicate all changes to your production servers? If so, it would be nice to know so that we know when to announce our new design to our clients vs having them stumble upon what appears to be a broken website. Does anyone else have this problem?
What type of content block did you use on your page? If you hand-selected images, are any of the folders, galleries, or images password protected or private? Do they all show when you are logged in?
As I understand it now, you'll need to either un-password protect the images or move/copy them to a gallery that you want to make more available.