uploading after migration
I've been uploading since I migrated and everything seems to be showing up exactly where it's supposed to. I thought I read that post-migration uploads go to some temporary folder until you unveil?
Mine did. I created a new gallery on my new Smug and on the legacy site it is showing it in a new category called Smug Preview.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
please visit: www.babyelephants.net
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Only did the one new gallery. Shows correctly in the New Smug and the legacy smug places it in the category I mentioned. Probably safest to upload to the legacy smug until unveiling.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
please visit: www.babyelephants.net
see a locked icon on the gallery content.
My Website index | My Blog
please visit: www.babyelephants.net