Area Reserved For Default SmugMug Content ???

I hope someone can help here I've spent a couple of days is major frustration trying to fix this problem.
I added a content block in a slideshow but later decided to delete it after deciding on something else. Now I'm trying to do something else and its now in a content block with a lock on it and I can't delte it. I've tried everything. Does someone know how to fix this issue?
I added a content block in a slideshow but later decided to delete it after deciding on something else. Now I'm trying to do something else and its now in a content block with a lock on it and I can't delte it. I've tried everything. Does someone know how to fix this issue?
Conniehttp://www.ConnieAndersonPhotography.comTexas Interior | Architectural | Commercial Photography
My Website index | My Blog
Thanks Allen but I tried that. The only time I see it is at "all galleries" . Its in a green box and locked down. grrr so frustrating
I looked and could find no x anywhere .. Thanks though
I just created a New page and re-imported the 3 photos and text I used, then relinked that new About page to my menu link (basically abandoning the original 'problem' page).
Fortunately that was the only page where this problem occurred. I did email Smugmug Help and pointed them to this thread though, before I'd decided on using this workaround.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
I received a response from SmugMug Help:
So it turns out I'd already done what was mentioned after all (making a new page) before unveiling my site.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Thanks for posting!