khigginsp customization thread

Denise,denisegoldberg wrote: »are you asking about new smug or legacy smug? You've posted this in Legacy SmugMug Customization; I'm happy to move your thread if you're asking about the new smug.
--- Denise
I hope you don't mind me being so bold as to ask for your assistance. I love your sm page, and would appreciate your help in getting mine to be I am beyond lost and frustrated. I have galleries I need to set up for clients, and don't want them to see the site as it is right now....doesn't look pro
message me here, email me, or text me 9786603657.....looks like we are practically neighbors!
Having a single top level folder doesn't allow your viewers to choose a reasonable entry point to your site. Instead of having Photography as your top level folder, why not push the folders at the next level down to the top level?
If you have galleries for clients then I would think you want a page describing your business. You'll want to activate the contact form. You might want a top level folder called Clients.
My site was actually very simple to set up.
- I defined a header for the entire site that has my site name and a navbar.
- The kaleidoscope, gallery, and about entries on my navbar are pages.
- The gallery navbar entry allows the viewer to jump to my top level folders.
Decide what you want to do then come back and ask questions when you need help.If you keep all of your questions in this thread you will have one place to reference the answers.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I will let you know if I come across anything else....should I still struggle, any chance if i grant you admin access you would be able to help me out? just in case
kristin higgins
If you run into problems add to this thread asking for help.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
ok, I want the look and feel, cleaner, and more prof look than what I have right now.....where do I start with getting the folders to be moved......and I will need to get the nav bar, I got it started, just not sure how to add to it cleanly. I did manage to get the footer done!...sorry if I am being a pest
kristin higgins
Right now your site only shows your profile so I have no idea what you mean by "clean and more prof look".
You can create folders in the Organizer. You can also move galleries into (different) folders and move folders into folders as needed, also in the organizer.
To create the navbar, add a menu content block to the header for Entire Site. Fill in the navbar entries in the dialog box. Only you can decide on what is important to show on the navbar.
You are still showing the smugmug header and footer. That in itself contributes to a non-professional look. Both should be turned off.
The header you have created is too tall; even on my large screen monitor it takes up half of the vertical space. Do you want your viewers eyes to be drawn to your site header or to your photos? Remember that your viewers will not all be using a large monitor; they may be viewing your site on laptops, netbooks, tablets, or phones. Don't design for a large screen. See The purpose (and size) of a banner image.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
clean and prof, clean and professional, like yours......
thank you so much for all your help with this....I will work on the header, then the navi bar.....I have a lot to do....
kristin higgins