Screen shot-grabbing right click protected photos by saving your cell phone screen
I don't know if this can be fixed? Didn't think about this happening. But my right click protected photos are not as safe as I thought. When you try to download or long press you get a black window. I thought cool this is great! But if you save your screen on your phone you have the picture.
My wonderful NIECE- frown face >:\ - enlightened me to this problem by sharing photos on Facebook that I didn't WANT on Facebook. So now what??? We are not that protected after all? That means watermarks all over the pictures again? Nothing is sacred I guess.
I might be ripping my Smugmug back down... Was just getting used to it and excited.
Frustrated again,
My wonderful NIECE- frown face >:\ - enlightened me to this problem by sharing photos on Facebook that I didn't WANT on Facebook. So now what??? We are not that protected after all? That means watermarks all over the pictures again? Nothing is sacred I guess.
I might be ripping my Smugmug back down... Was just getting used to it and excited.
Frustrated again,
Anyway, there is no way to prevent the screen grabbing native on mobile phones.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
ORIGINALS = a gateway to free photos, & right click protection is NOT PROTECTION
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
SmugMug's implementation of watermarks are working, however they are very easy to bypass. At the present time, that's the only option available to you though, because self-fulfillment of orders is not possible yet.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
Welcome to the internet - nothing is sacred; not the CSS we borrowed or the HTML we reverse-engineered or the music we listened to while taking from others for our own advancement! :bluduh
IMHO, if you post it assume that it will be stolen. I try to be flattered that it was good enough for them to go to the trouble of stealing.
The little smiley you chose was the look I had on my face this morning. Perfect! :bluduh
Thanks Andy-- I am trying very hard to be flattered.
I'm going to have to come in here more just so I can play with these little guys. ROFL:seamus
So this topic is like beating a dead horse?:deadhorse lololol :lol4
Don't mind me I've been in front of the computer too long!