Colorizing help please

I need to adjust the background for the comment box on this page:
I can change the color to what I wish using
But there are 2 issues...
1. I need to change the text color to black also when a comment is typed
2. When I click the box to type the color of the box changes (which works great if I cannot change the color of the text, but it's not what I want).
I can change the color to what I wish using
.sm-user-ui .sm-form-field { background:#faebd7; border:solid 2px #8f7b62; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; }
But there are 2 issues...
1. I need to change the text color to black also when a comment is typed
2. When I click the box to type the color of the box changes (which works great if I cannot change the color of the text, but it's not what I want).
I left the color blank. You can add a color or just remove it
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Thanks... I ended up going only w/ the border and not changing the field colors. I was trying to set it off against my dark background and the border does it. I did need your code to get the border to stick once the field was clicked on.
Curious how I did not need the extra code to do the same in the Smugmug style gallery.
Not sure I follow, but I also don't use the comment box on my site, so I'm really not sure why.
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I have a black/ orange gradient background. The comment box background is also black. If the box fall to far up the page the 2 black background blend and you cannot see there is a comment box really. The border makes it more visible.