Spacing between photos on search page

I added this to my "just this page" as I have other things on it but you might have to add it...Also is there any way to change the spacing between the photos that come up when you do a search. ...
to "entire site" CSS. I have no idea how these system pages, search, keyword and date fall into
the general scheme of things.
/* search page image spacing */
.sm-search-tile-image {padding: 5px;}
Is there any way to change the spacing between the photos that come up when you do a search on the search page. I believe it is set to 1px. See attachment to see what I am talking about. I am not that familiar with HTML or CSS so I will need to know where to add the HTML or CSS.
Thanks for answers
I'll move the post here.
Haha it came in number one above.
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